GBNNSS Local Action Groups workshop 22 January 2014


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Presentation transcript:

GBNNSS Local Action Groups workshop 22 January 2014 Catherine Chatters New Forest Non-Native Plants Officer

New Forest Non-Native Plants Project

Reducing the Impact of Non-native Species in Europe

Training and awareness raising Highways staff – Hampshire County Council Highways staff – consultants for Highways Agency Local Authority countryside management staff Other land managers Anglers, fly fishermen, river keepers etc Horticultural sector Natural England Forestry Commission Equestrian sector (horse and pony owners)

Hampshire County Council Highways Department

Enterprise Mouchel (Consultants for Highways Agency)

New Forest District Council

Anglers, Fly Fishermen, River Keepers


Local Authority Countryside Management Staff

New Zealand pygmyweed control

Other training – Equestrian sector

Other training – Natural England

Forthcoming training Forestry Commission staff - 11 February 2014 Role of volunteers in control of invasive non-native plants – 19 March 2014