Dosimeters installation during the EYETS 28/03/17


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Presentation transcript:

Dosimeters installation during the EYETS 28/03/17 Corinna Martinella EN-EA R2E-MCWG

Overview SPS: MOPOS request PSB: DOFRS request LHC: Cryo Valves request Corinna Martinella EN-EA MCWG 28/03/17

Summary: SPS Multi Orbit POsition System (MOPOS) request Request: estimation of radiation levels at the racks positions (electronics for Beam Position Monitors - BPM) BPM RadMon Rack Estimation of Prompt Dose Estimation of Prompt Dose X BLM X RPL 33 93 97 X BLM X RPL Corinna Martinella EN-EA MCWG 28/03/17

Summary: data analysis procedure How to estimate dose levels in 186 positions? RadMon: -> HEH fluence: Cypress memory Toshiba memory (more sensitive to thermal neutrons) -> Total Ionizing Dose (TID) from RadFET Deported Units: Conversion of residual dose rate to prompt dose (survey December 2015) -> Estimation of annual prompt dose (upstream and downstream the machine elements) where measurements from RadMon are not available! Low granularity of prompt dose measurements: necessity to install new passive dosimeters Not possible to use values from BLMs and RPLs and scale dose with distance: not a “point source problem”. Corinna Martinella EN-EA MCWG 28/03/17

Installation in SPS: Small Rack: 1 NMOS 195 NMOS and 8 RPLs have been installed for MOPOS Project: 1 NMOS on top off all the small racks around the SPS In this position the rack is not installed:   BYBPM 13493 13493 Big Rack on top: 1 NMOS + 1 RPL 2 NMOS and 2 RPLs in the big racks in BA1 and BA2 (1 on the top and 1 in the middle to measure the gradient) In some locations a RadMon or a Deported Unit are installed as well (2 RadFETs). Same measurement with RPL, NMOS and RadFET Big Rack in the middle: 1 NMOS + 1 RPL + 2RadFET Corinna Martinella EN-EA MCWG 28/03/17

All the documents are available in this folder: Installation in SPS: In four locations (Sextant 1 and Sextant 2) 2 additional NMOS have been installed to compare the measurements at the beginning and at the end of the magnet. The locations have been selected looking at the residual dose measurements during 2015 and 2016. For these and other locations could be convenient to move the rack at the START/END of the dipole. START Small Rack END All the documents are available in this folder: G:\Projects\R2E\Monitoring\Corinna\Equipment\MOPOS\Installation SPS Corinna Martinella EN-EA MCWG 28/03/17

Overview SPS: MOPOS request PSB: DOFRS request LHC: Cryo Valves request Corinna Martinella EN-EA MCWG 28/03/17

Installation in PSB: Distributed Optical Fiber Radiation Sensor (DOFRS) request: Crosscheck the optical fiber measurements. 15 RadFETs and 15 RPLs at the cable level in period 1 (Injection) 15 RPLs in period 14 (close to Extraction) 15 RPLs in period 8 Few more RPLs installed on the wall at the beam level Possibility to crosscheck the scaling factor comparing with the RPLs installed on the beam pipe Corinna Martinella EN-EA MCWG 28/03/17

Overview SPS: MOPOS request PSB: DOFRS request LHC: Cryo Valves request Corinna Martinella EN-EA MCWG 28/03/17

Installation in LHC: Request and results for Cryo control valves: Valve 4R1 RadFET 4R1 8 RadFETs directly on the Cryo control valves in cell 3-4 of Point 1-5. Measurement of dose during the p-p run (12/9/16 – 31/10/16). BLM In order to crosscheck the analysis, the 8 RadFETs are installed in the same positions also for the 2017 Run Corinna Martinella EN-EA MCWG 28/03/17

Thanks for your attention Corinna Martinella EN-EA MCWG 28/03/17