Physics and Detectors for a Muon Collider


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Presentation transcript:

Physics and Detectors for a Muon Collider Ronald Lipton Fermilab January 9, 2014

Outline Physics Overview Backgrounds Tools Parametric Studies Higgs factory High energy self-coupling High Energy H/A with full background simulation Conclusions January x, 2014

Physics Overview Although the muon collider shares Feynman diagrams with it’s e+e- cousins there are a number of distinct differences which affect the physics reach of a muon-based machine. These considerations are distinct for a Higgs factory where a Muon Collider has x40,000 higher coupling in the s-channel, and a high energy machine, where the same physics processes dominate but the machine characteristics are different. January x, 2014

Higgs Factory A Muon Collider is uniquely capable of producing Higgs bosons in the s channel with beam energy resolution comparable to it’s width (mm/me)2 = ~40,000 G(H) ~ 4.2 MeV DE(beam) ~ few MeV The beam energy resolution could be comparable to the Higgs width Direct measurement of width Precise mass measurement January x, 2014

High Energy Collider LHC results seem to indicate that any new physics spectrum is likely to be in the multi-TeV range. This is problematic for e+e- machines due to power lost to radiation. Muon collider seems to be the only high luminosity lepton collider candidate >3 TeV January x, 2014

Physics Environment Narrow beam energy spread 2 Detectors Precision scan Kinematic constraints 2 Detectors DTbunch ~ 10 ms (mm/me)2 = ~40,000 Enhanced s-channel rates for Higgs-like particles Multi-TeV lepton collider cross sections dominated by boson fusion (Han) January x, 2014

Luminosity Goals L~1034 at 3 TeV provides ~ 965 events/unit R Much of the yield is in fusion reactions Need to resolve W, Z jets Large missing energies Physics environment similar to CLIC with lower beamstrahlung, higher decay backgrounds, lower polarization and central 10 degrees obscured by shielding January x, 2014

Backgrounds From the detector side the central issue in a muon collider are backgrounds due to muon beam decays. For a 0.75-TeV muon beam of 2x1012, 4.28x105 dec/m per bunch crossing, or 1.28x1010 dec/m/s for 2 beams; 0.5 kW/m. Understanding how to study and mitigate these backgrounds is crucial to the overall validation of the muon collider concept. That has been a primary focus of physics and detector work. January x, 2014

MARS Simulations MARS – is the framework for simulation of particle transport and interactions in accelerator, detector and shielding components. Background calculation requires knowledge of machine components and design of integrated shielding throughout the system Machine must be designed before the background is calculated – may be an iterative process Completed for 1.5 TeV machine – used in all detector studies; almost completed for Higgs Factory (see N. Mokhov talk) Background is provided to detector simulation at the surface of MDI. January x, 2014

Machine Detector Interface Model W Q = 10o 6 < z < 600 cm x:z = 1:17 BCH2 Q1 N. Mokhov design and MARS simulations January x, 2014

Backgrounds Entering the Detector Only 4% background pictured Hits in the calorimeter Most of the background is out of time Timing cut can further reduce the background Most of the background are low momenta photons and neutrons S. Striganov MARS Simulation Still a lot of background!!!!! 11 January x, 2014

Shielding Cone A 10-15 degree tungsten/borated poly “noise”surrounds the beam pipe to absorb the e-m backgrounds resulting in a 100-1000x background reduction. Ivan Yakovlevitch … glanced into the roll's middle. To his intense surprise he saw something glimmering there ..   He stuck in his fingers, and pulled out — a nose! .. .A nose! Sure enough a nose! Yes, and one familiar to him, somehow! Oh, horror spread upon his features! - “The Nose” Gogol January x, 2014

Detector Simulation Tools LCSIM Detector Model ILCROOT Detector Model Models derived from the SiD ILC concept January x, 2014

Attacking the Background It is clear that timing and energy discrimination will be crucial in limiting the background in a Muon Collider We have concentrated on understanding the time resolution required and how it may affect the detector mass and resolution for physics objects The R&D is synergistic with CLIC, which requires ns level resolutions, LHC which is looking at fast timing for background reduction, and intensity frontier experiments, which may require 100’s of ps resolutions Studies have proceeded with several tools – ILCROOT, LCSIM and GEANT January x, 2014

Timing Is The Key Timing for MARS background particles - MARS background (on a surface of the shielding cone) up to ~1000 ns of TOF (time of flight w.r.t. BX) Timing of ILCRoot MARS background hits in VXD and Tracker - TOF for neutron hits has long tale up to a few ms (due to “neutron gas”) Time gate width of 4 ns can provide a factor of 300-500 background rejection keeping efficiency of hits from IP particles higher than 99% at hit time resolution σ=0.5 ns. N. Terentiev January x, 2014

Tracking Backgrounds Neutrons Time of energy deposit with respect to TOF from IP dE/dx Path in detector electrons electrons positrons Compton High energy conversions soft conversions 16 January x, 2014

Timing Is Also The Key For Calorimetry Background Front Section V. Di Benedetto Rear Section Signal Sci signal is developed in sci fibers with 2.4 ns decay time Cerenkov is read directly on LeadGlass Time bin of 25 ps Sci signal is developed in sci fibers Cerenkov is read by WLS Both with 2.4 ns decay time Time bin of 25 ps A. Mazzacane (Fermilab) CSS 2013 — July 29- August 6, 2013 17 January x, 2014

Parametric Studies We have explored capabilities for both a Higgs factory muon collider and Higgs self-coupling measurements at a possible high energy (6 TeV) machine. These were based on parametric studies assuming backgrounds in these machines could be controlled, but the detectors were limited by a 10-15 degree cone. January x, 2014

Higgs Factory The s-channel Higgs production affords the most precise measurement of a second generation fermion Higgs-Yukawa coupling constant, the muon coupling, gμ, to a precision δgμ/gμ ~ (few)%. The s-channel Higgs production affords the best mass measurement of the Higgs boson to a precision of ~(few) x10−6 with a luminosity of 1032 cm−2s−1. It affords the best direct measurement of the Higgs boson width to a precision of a few% January x, 2014

Higgs Factory S/B Higgs production in an S-channel factory still has significant SM background. cross sections are calculated as the peak value of the peak Breit-Wigner convoluted with a Gaussian of width 3.54 MeV to simulate the effect of beam smearing. The inclusion of initial state radiation effects and full one loop corrections further reduces the cross sections for Higgs production by a factor of 0.53; resulting in a total Higgs cross section of 13.6 pb. January x, 2014

Higgs Factory Physics Background reduction Use Event shape and energy cuts to reduce Z decay backgrounds under the Higgs peak January x, 2014

Higgs Mass and Width 336000 Fitted values of Higgs decay width, mass and branching ratio from simulated data. Mass values are the difference between the measured mass and the true mass of 126 GeV. Total integrated luminosity was 4.2 fb−1 143000 Accuracy of fitted parameters January x, 2014

Higgs Self-Coupling Measurement of the Higgs trilinear self-coupling is a direct probe of the shape of the Higgs potential and a crucial test of the Standard Model. All future high energy accelerators are likely to address this measurement. A high energy Muon collider would have the advantage of higher luminosity and cross section CLIC will have larger acceptance Study the tradeoffs … Variation of s with l provides the sensitivity January x, 2014

Self-coupling Analysis For now we take the CLIC analysis and scale the results to the event yield correcting for events lost to the cone January x, 2014

Self-coupling results Results obtained by scaling CLIC results – note that the values can be improved by utilizing polarization HL-LHC – evidence ILC (20yr) – 13% 3 TeV CLIC (polarization) – 10% January x, 2014

Physics analysis with background Heavy Neutral Higgses (H/A) and charged Higgses (H±) are a simple possibility of New Physics beyond the Standard Model. H/A are likely to be difficult to find at the LHC and at e+e- colliders are produced in association with other particles, such as Z, since the electron Yukawa coupling is too small for s-channel production. H and A can be produced as s-channel resonances at a Muon Collider. (Eichten and Martin arXiv:1306.2609). Pseudo-data (in black) along with the fit result in the bb channel. Tthe peak signal is more than an order of magnitude larger than the physics background. H/A production in the Natural Supersymmetry model compared with Z0h, Z0H and heavy Higgs pair production. January x, 2014

Full Simulation Fully simulated with track and calorimeter reconstruction in ILCroot framework 4000 H/A events generated by Pythia at √s = 1550 GeV with a Gaussian beam energy smearing (R=0.001) (A. Martin) In these preliminary studies, considered the bb̅ decay of the H/A which is the channel with the largest BR (64%). Applied a perfect b-tagging (using information from MonteCarlo truth). Reconstructed 2 jets applying PFA-like jet reconstruction developed for ILC benchmark studies. NO machine background ILCroot Event Display NO Time Gate NO Background Dijet mass distribution including neutrino contribution Significant neutrino component A. Mazzacane (Fermilab) CSS 2013 — July 29- August 6, 2013 27 ILCroot Simulation January x, 2014

Background Rejection In The Calorimeter Tiime gate for each section Front Section Rear Section Scint Cer Front readout 6.3 ns 1.5 ns 12.8 ns 10.3 ns Back readout 5.7 ns 0.8 ns 8.5 ns 7.0 ns Signal efficiency 83% 76% BG suppression 98.5% 97.3% Scint/Cer back readout Calorimeter tower readout scheme Rear Section 160 cm Scint/Cer front readout BG energy Front Section Rear Section Total 228 TeV 155 TeV After time cut 3 TeV 4 TeV V. Di Benedetto Front Section 20 cm Scint/Cer readout back Scint/Cer readout front Approach to reject machine background. Apply time cut. Individuate Region of Interest (RoI), i.e. regions where the energy is 2.5σ above the background level in that region. In the RoI apply soft energy subtraction, i.e. subtract the mean value of the background in that region. In the other regions apply hard energy cut, i.e. subtract 4σ of the background. Preliminary A. Mazzacane (Fermilab) CSS 2013 — July 29- August 6, 2013 28 January x, 2014

Result with Background YES Time Gate NO Background Applied 3 ns layer dependent time gate in the tracking system and the time gate in the calorimeter. YES Time Gate YES Background Fully simulated signal and beam background Applied 3ns time gate and energy cut theta dependent to further reject the background ILCroot Simulation A. Mazzacane (Fermilab) 29 January x, 2014

Future Plans We are completely constrained by manpower <2 FTE available FNAL guest scientists + undergrads Computing support at FNAL no longer available through detector R&D We will complete and document Snowmass studies Further work will depend on manpower and physics interest Higgs factory studies with full background simulation Study a less optimal supersymmetric signals with a detector fully optimized for background rejection Timing used in silicon tracking fits High speed, segmented crystal calorimeter January x, 2014

Conclusions We have used the ILCROOT and LCSIM frameworks to study physics capabilities and background rejection Timing is key for both calorimetry and tracking We have produced the first physics simulation with full muon collider backgrounds and demonstrated acceptable performance. We have studied capabilities for Higgs physics Future program will depend on manpower available January x, 2014