Formative #2 (Poetry) Submission 9th MYP Friday, September 30, 2016
Poetry Formative Requirements - Content 2+ Options - Craft Conflict Rhythm (Caesura, Enjambment, Varying Line Length for Emphasis, and Repetition) Figurative Language (Simile, Metaphor, Onomatopoeia, Personification, Alliteration, Hyperbole, Assonance, or Consonance) Imagery (description with 5 senses) Dialogue Foreshadowing Conflict Setting Characters Plot Theme (Universal Lesson) Point of View
Objective, Agenda, & Homework Objective: I will revise 3+ poems with literary elements, using Soul Moon Soup as a mentor text. Agenda: Workshop Groups – Period 7 Revision/Rewriting Time (25 min.) Rationale (15 min.) Rubric and Submission (5 min.) Homework: Study for the Greek roots midterm (#1-20) on October 12.
Greek Roots Recap 17. dem = people 18. log = speech, study, idea 19. hetero = different, various 20. homo = like, same
Writing and Revising You may either write revisions on the original 3 poems in blue pen, or you may rewrite your poems and submit the original and revised versions together. Replace Add Delete And Reorder Remember that a complete draft of your 3 poems is due at the end of class with revisions and a rationale.
Rationale On a separate sheet of paper, write your heading in the upper- left corner, and title the page “Rationale.” Answer the following questions in a 5-7 sentence paragraph. What is the theme of your poems? Which 2 craft tools did you intentionally use? Rhythm, Figurative Language (Simile, Metaphor, Onomatopoeia, Personification, Alliteration, Hyperbole, Assonance, or Consonance), Imagery, Dialogue, Rhyme, and Foreshadowing Underline them with colored pencil in your poems. What revisions did you make based on your group’s feedback? Be specific about what the revisions were, where they were, and what impact they had.
Submission Purple rubric on top Rationale Paragraph in middle 3 Revised Poems on bottom Original Poems (if necessary)