Key Issue: Why do farmers face economic difficulties? Chapter 10 Section 4 - A Key Issue: Why do farmers face economic difficulties?
What problem do BOTH commercial and subsistence farmers share? Poor Income Levels
But the reasons are OPPOSITE of each other! Commercial – too much Subsistence – Too Little
I. Issues for Commercial Farmers (2) A) Access to Markets What is the purpose of Commercial Agriculture???? OFF farm!
So proximity to market is very important. Consider: -Cost of land? -Cost of Transportation? -Perishable Product?
I’m Very Important! (and a Stud Muffin too)
Von Thunen’s Model of Agriculture City (market) 2) Horticulture/Dairy 3) Forestry 4 & 5) Crops 6) Ranching & Grazing 4 3 5 2 6 1
Von Thunen’s Model of Agriculture
Von Thunen…. 1) DID - topography (river)* 2) did NOT* 3) Today… -government policies -social customs 3) Today… -Forestry Ring? -National/Global Scale
I’m still important!!! I am all about you, me and the market baby! I am VON THUNEN!
I. Issues for Commercial Farmers (con’t) (1st Issue: Access to Markets) 2nd Issue: B) Overproduction 1) Technology* 2) Demand remains constant IN MDC’S*
Can you say “S curve”
US Farmers have become much more efficient. For example: 1960’s 20 million dairy cows = 63 million tons of milk per year 1990’s 10 million dairy cows = 75 million tons of milk per year
Numbers of Dairy Cows per country
3) US Government Policies Goal: ? 3 types of policies Encourage planting of fallow crops(protect soil) Subsidies* Buys surplus production
4 – European Policies
C) Sustainable Agriculture & Organic Farming Read and Bullet Notes for 1-3 above from pages 331 to 333 3 Basic Practices: 1-Sensitive Land Management 2-Limited Use of Chemicals 3-Integrated Crop and Livestock Ridge Tillage T \ H E N D
Chapter 10 – 4B What are the two main problems for commercial farmers? 1- Access to Markets 2 - Overproduction
II. Issues for Subsistence Farmers A) Rapid population growth (Stage 2) requires more food 1) change in late 20th century 2) Intensify Production - New Farming Methods -Fields left “fallow” shorter periods of time
II. Issues for Subsistence Farmers (con’t) B) International Trade (good/bad) 70% of all of the world’s cocoa comes from Africa. Cocoa Tree
C) Drug Crops Spatial Distribution of Illegal Drugs Worldwide
Teacher Note May Continue Powerpoint OR Assign the rest of chapter for Homework.
III. Strategies to Increase Food Supply A) Expand Agricultural Land 1) Past – Yes Future – No 2) too much or too little 3) urbanization
III. Strategies to Increase Food Supply (con’t) B) Higher Productivity 1) Green Revolution 2) Fertilizer Problems 3) Prevented Famine
C) Identify New Food Sources
D) Increase Exports from other countries 1) USA 2) Thailand 3) Japan
IV. Africa’s Food-Supply Crisis B) Production Lower C) Sub-Saharan Agriculture D) Horn of Africa E) Desertification F) Gov’t Policies G) Conflicts