Our 1st Grade Classroom News March 2017 Email: laura_nezovich@etownschools.org Upcoming Spirit Days: Social Studies April 11th- Disney Day April 21st- Earth Day! Get Creative…make a vest out of paper, make a recycled outfit, make a day April 28th- Leadership T-Shirt Day We loved learning about the presidents! We were able to learn all about four of our most influential presidents! We compared and contrasted them as well. We learned what would make a great president. We even were able to write about why we would make a great president! Reminders ELA/Math We have had so much fun in reading this month! We have read some very silly books! We have been doing a lot of visualizing and learning to make inferences. We have had fun comparing books as well. In math we have been learning all about place value! The class loves solving word problems using place value! Upcoming Schedule Changes: April 13- No School April 14th- No School April 17th- SCHOOL IS IN SESSION April 18th- 2 hour late start