Populist Movement
Populist Movement Interstate Commerce Act (1887) Law passed that allowed the federal government to regulate unfair business practices. Attempted to ensure the railroad rated would be “fair and reasonable” Created the Interstate Commerce Commission The first federal regulatory agency over business.
Populist Movement Farmers Alliance: Populist Party: Ocala Demands: Region political organization formed by predominately Grangers. Populist Party: Political party formed out of the farmers alliance and many industrial workers. Believe the wealthy had to much political influence. Ocala Demands: Meeting by many populist in the Southeast attempted to enact political change.
Populist Movement Omaha Platform Bimetallism Populist platform heading into the 1892 election Contains several laws that still exist today: Direct Election of Senators Secret Ballot in Elections Progressive income tax Bimetallism Using both silver and gold to increase the money supply.
Populist Movement Election of 1896: Democrat/Populist Candidate: William Jennings Bryant Ran on a “Free Silver” platform. Also wanted to remove the protective tariff Republican Candidate: William McKinley Supported the Tariff Blamed the Democrats for the Economic crash Supported the “Gold Standard” Results: McKinley is elected narrowly Significance: The Populist party dissolves but many of its platforms are still around today.
Lecture Quiz What major industry did the Interstate Commerce Act attempt to regulate? What were the farmers alliances? Who was the Populist Party made up off? What is one provision on the Omaha platform that is still around today? What is the significance of the election of 1896?