Macromolecules Living things are made of mostly the elements Carbon, Hydrogen, Oxygen, Nitrogen, Phosporus, and Sulfur (CHONPS) with a few other elements in small amounts. These create four key building blocks of life called “macromolecules”. Each of the macromolecules performs a different function in the body and is structurally different. All macromolecules are polymers (large structures) usually made of monomers (repeating smaller pieces)
Macromolecules The four building blocks of ALL life are… Carbohydrates: for structure and energy Proteins: for structure, function, and performance Lipids: for insulation, energy storage, and waterproofing Nucleic Acids: for genetic instructions All living things (no matter how different they seem) contain these same four structures. Note: this is evidence for evolution.
Carbohydrates Monomer – Monosaccharide (aka a single sugar) Polymer – polysaccharide (aka starch) Look for –rings of CHO with 1:2:1 ratio (ex- C6H12O6) Uses – main source of energy and can be used to build structures (especially in plants) Test – Benedict’s reagent turns orange with sugar; Iodine turns black with starch
Examples of Carbohydrates
Examples of Carbohydrates
Lipids (fats) Monomer/Polymer – None. Each type has a unique structure. Look for – Capital “E” shape OR a long C-H chain Uses – store extra energy (fat), waterproof (oil and wax), or insulation (blubber) Test –Sudan Red stains lipids dark red
Lipid Examples
Lipid Examples
Proteins Uses – Almost everything from digesting food (enzymes) to coloring your eyes (structural) (You are basically one big walking protein) Test – Biuret’s reagent turns dark purple in the presence of protein Monomer – amino acids (20 different kinds, you get them from food or your body makes them) Polymer – called a polypeptide chain (string of amino acids) at first, it folds into the final protein structure Look for – the “amino head”
Protein Example
Protein Example
Protein Example
Protein Example
Protein Example
Nucleic Acids (DNA or RNA) Monomer – Nucleotides (made of one phosphate, one sugar, and one nitrogen base) Polymer - DNA or RNA Look for – P for (phosphorus) OR a helix shape Uses – genetic info; instructions for how to make proteins, carbs, and/or lipids Test – No test
Nucleic Acid Examples
Nucleic Acid Examples