Service Learning Reflection On a separate piece of paper you will write a journal entry of your experiences with your service learning project so far. Journal requirements are slightly different than our daily current events journal.
Requirements Intro paragraph Two Body Paragraphs Tell me what your project is. Who you are working with. Why you chose it. Who are you helping. Two Body Paragraphs One paragraph should tell me what you have done so far. Discuss times you have planned or what you did when you volunteered. Who are the people you have met? Any other information about your progress in your project.
The second body paragraph needs to be about how you have felt while giving your time to your project. What are the pros and cons of your project. What are some things you did not expect to happen when you chose this project. Any other details discussing your attitude with your project would be great to add in this paragraph.
Not Started Yet? Still include same intro paragraph requirements Discuss in detail your timeline for getting this project done. When will you start volunteering. Can you do anything at home to prepare that would count for your log? I need to see some kind of date or time you will begin your work. Explain why nothing has gotten started so far. If it is the organization that you chose, explain what they have told you.
Paragraph 2 What have been some complications to your project? What has frustrated you? What would you have done differently in choosing your project with info you have now? What is your attitude about starting your project? Are you just putting it off? Or are you excited to begin?
Graded Remember to use good topic sentences and conclusion sentences in EACH of the THREE paragaphs. Make sure you are using proper grammar. Write legibly. If I can not read it, I can not grade it. Use your time wisely. This is for a grade. You can not take it home.