Welcome to Ms. Ford’s Class Algebra 1 Algebra 2
Please read my special message to you
Rules and Behavioral Expectations Be on time and prepared with supplies daily (see supplies section) Follow the school dress code Be respectful to all and the classroom No eating, drinking or gum in class (water ok) School policy on cell phones, IPODs, etc. will be strictly enforced Limit classroom distractions by staying in your seat STAY IN YOUR SEAT UNTIL THE BELL RINGS. IF YOU GET OUT OF YOUR SEAT BEFORE THE BELL RINGS AND YOU HAVE YOUR BELONGINGS WITH YOU, YOU WILL HAVE TO WAIT UNTIL ALL OF THE OTHER STUDENTS HAVE LEFT BEFORE YOU CAN LEAVE.
Read the school rules in your planner! Not knowing a rule does not excuse you from the consequences of breaking a rule. Severe offenses may require consequences such as parent contact, suspension and/or expulsion.
Consequences for breaking class rules First offense: Name on board (This is only a warning, do not argue at this time. You may speak to me later if you feel it was unfair) Second offense: A checkmark will be added to your name (again only a warning) Third offense: A detention will be assigned. Fourth offense: You will be sent to the Dean’s office where you will be assigned a Saturday School
Course Requirements: Notes (collected at end of each chapter) Homework assignments (stamped daily and requires that all problems assigned are completed and all work to be shown) Warm ups Homework Test (end of each chapter) Projects Quizzes Tests (end of each chapter) Midterm and Final Exam (10% of total grade) Class participation
Attendance Policy On the day you return from an absence: These are YOUR responsibilities not mine. Arrive to class with a readmit Find out what you missed (notes, handout, homework) Turn in homework collected on the day of absence If you missed a test/quiz schedule a make up time immediately. Failure to do so will result in a 0 on the test. Make up missing assignments in a timely manner (2 days for each missed lesson) See me to discuss any extenuating circumstances
Grading Policy (Edit Syllabus): Algebra 1 Algebra 2 Homework and Classwork 20% 20% Quizzes 10% 10% Tests 50% 60% Midterm/Final 10% 10%
Online Resources Online grades Website with assignments, review sheets and review answers. www.svusd.org (type in Ford at LHHS) Algebra 1 :Download Connected App to access online textbook
Supplies Pencils with erasers Red or colored pen for grading Highlighter Whiteboard marker and old sock or felt for erasing Folder or binder with math section Notebook paper Graph paper Textbook (Practice Book for Algebra 2) Clear ruler (with cm and in) Scientific Calculator (powers, roots and trig functions) I WILL NOT BE LOANING OUT CALCULATORS
HELP! Tutorial Tuesday through Friday (tutorial rules) If you need help and cannot attend tutorial because of another class speak to me and we can set up a time I have some references for private tutors if you need one. Don’t wait until it’s too late, seek out help as soon as you need it!
Closing Thoughts Come to me for help in tutorial Communicate problems and/or concerns with me Your success is my success… your failure is my failure I CARE ABOUT YOU!!! Let’s rock it this year!!!