Baby MIND Status on T9 E. Noah 6th July 2017
8 readout electronics minicrates 44 Front End Boards 18 scintillator modules 33 magnet modules 75 tonnes Magnet power supply rack Timing Sync PC DAQ PC
From interactions of neutrinos in target upstream Interleaving of Magnet and Scintillator Modules d: detector module (x 18 modules) s: steel magnet module (x 33 modules) d0 d2 d4 d6 d8 d10 d12 d14 d16 d1 d3 d5 d7 d9 d11 d13 d15 d17 [s1-3] [s4] [s5] [s6] [s7-8] [s9-10] [s11-12] [s13-15] [s16-18] [s19-21] [s22-24] [s25-27] [s28-30] [s31-33] 10 m+ & m- From interactions of neutrinos in target upstream 2000 Gaps to improve angular resolution with “lever arm” 10 200 200 200 500 Thicker steel to better resolve angular deflection by B-field from angular deflection by M.S. Thinner steel here to improve cross-calibration of detector: i.e. momentum resolution by range vs B-field
Baby MIND Main Systems x 33 modules x 18 modules x 4 blocks Novel magnet design x 33 modules Custom scintillator modules x 18 modules Support mechanics for transport to Japan Cable bundles (scintillator-to-electronics) Custom readout electronics (USB3) x 4 blocks
Baby MIND Magnet modules Novel design to address access, space and installation constraints in the pit at J-PARC. Each steel (ARMCO) module is wrapped in its own coil. Modularity and flexibility allows for deployment in much wider range of detector topologies compared with conventional large scale designs such as CDHS or MINOS Excellent B-field uniformity across the magnet module Low stray fields Low power dissipation Changing magnet polarity Dimensions: 3500 × 2000 × 30 mm3. 2 slits: 2800 mm, 10 mm wide. Warm magnet: Aluminium coil: Fiber glass insulation sheath. Custom “sewing” process for coil winding. Power requirements are minimal: 130-140 A for 1.5 T 12 kW power for 33 magnet modules.
Baby MIND Magnet Assembly (completed February 2017) B-field tests of complete modules Welding of aluminium coil ends Machined bare ARMCO Coil assembly 2 assembly stands
Baby MIND Scintillator Modules Scintillator bars from INR: Polysterene based, 1.5 % PTP, 0.01% POPOP. Reflective coating 30 to 100 mm from chemical etching of surface. Kuraray WLS fiber (200 ppm, S-type), dia 1.0 mm. Eljen EJ-500 optical cement. Custom optical connector. First batch delivered March 2016 - Good for 2 modules. Second batch delivered December 2016. Photosensors: Hamamatsu MPPC S12571-025C 1 x 1 mm2 Module mechanics: two half modules assembled separately. Each half-module: one horizontal, one vertical plane.
Baby MIND Electronics Modules Features of the custom Baby MIND Front End Board: 96 channels. 3 CITIROC ASICs 32-ch. 12-bits 8-ch 40MS/s/ch ADC. Altera ARIA5 FPGA. Timing: 2.5 ns sampling. Analog readout: 96ch LGain and HGain. HV, ASIC T + board T + RH%. Readout/Slow control on USB3 and /or Gigabit RJ45 chain. Externally propagated Trig/sync. signal. Power supplies (HV/LV). Front End Board block diagram Baby MIND FEB v1
Detector installation and commissioning: Brief status Detector installation and commissioning: Magnet tested Total power consumption is 11.5 kW Detector cabling completed (28th June 2017) All 3996 photosensors connected to readout electronics via 5m cable bundles. channels connected and tested (fingerplots from MPPC dark counts) All photosensors tested (3 unuseable channels) Calibration done for all photosensors Electronics integration and DAQ All 8 Minicrates hosting 44 Front End Boards are synchronised Working on new firmware for the Front End Boards to resolve occasional loss of data in one of the readout modes (TDM mode) Finalising unpacking code for data Analysis ongoing General use at T9 We operate two shifts with 2 to 3 shifters per shift: 9am-7pm and 5pm-2am New vista screen works
First event displays Magnet in forward current mode Magnet in reverse current mode -3 GeV/c muon -3 GeV/c muon +3 GeV/c muon