Sea Turtles By: Hailey
Classifacation Kingdom: Animialia Phylum: Chordata Class: Reptilia Order: Testudines and Chelomiidae Family: Dermochelyidae Genus Species: Green Turtle
Description Sea Turtles have equal sizes of their length. They also have long lines on their shells. Most of the Sea Turtles are 21-45 in. The largest on is a Leatherback Turtle , he or she can reach to about 1.2-1.9 m. They weigh about 60-140 lb. Undo
What it eats A sea turtle can either be a carnivore herbivore or an omnivore. Some of both too.
Life Span and Habitat Sea Turtles can grow up to about 80 years. They also live in shallow coastal water, bays, lagoons, estuaries, and occasionally the open ocean.
Fun Facts Most scientists recognize eight species of these marine reptiles. Experts can identify each by the number and pattern of scutes on the carapace (top shell ). A Leather back Turtle is covered with leathery skin, no scutes like other Sea Turtles. It is the only marine turtle whose backbone is not attached to the inside of the shell. Sea Turtles are found in tropical and temperate seas throughout the world. Adults of form winter feeding grounds till summer nesting. Typically the only time Sea Turtles leave the water is when it lays its eggs. On some uninhabited or sparsely-inhabited beaches, Turtles often either gender have been observed basking land.