Reading Explorers WELCOME! Parent Information
What is the Reading Explorers? Reading support program that operates in all of Issaquah’s elementary schools. Small group instruction in reading and writing skills Provides students with an additional opportunity for reading and writing practice. Reading builds confidence.
Who do we serve? Student eligibility in the Reading Explorers is based on: Screening for phonological awareness and letter sounds in Kindergarten Scores on other assessments, such as -Fountas & Pinnell -SBA -Grades from report card Teacher recommendations ELL Level 1 students and students with a reading IEP are not eligible for services. Students must re-qualify each year to participate in this program.
Rank Order Students are placed in a grade level rank-ordered list according to their scores and teacher recommendations. Groups are filled, starting at the bottom of the list and working up. Reading Explorer permission slips are sent home and must be returned before program begins.
Curriculum Making Meaning Leveled Literacy Intervention used in all Elementary Schools. Start-Up/Build-Up Phonics Curriculum for Kindergarten and 1st grade. Making Meaning Comprehension
Reading Explorers Reading Explorers operates four days a week Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, Fridays for grades K-5th. 30 minute sessions Reading Explorers service continues throughout the school year If student’s classroom teacher feels that the student no longer needs the extra reading support, student is exited from program You will be notified before student is exited
Reporting Progress *A Fountas and Pinnell reading level test is given to your child in October and January. *Progress Reports are sent home in February and June. Contact me for a parent conference any time.
Parent Communication Parents are welcome to visit and observe a reading group Conferences available by parent’s request E-mail or phone with concerns anytime Parents are welcome to volunteer in the Reading Explorer program Information sent home monthly includes: Reading tips Book bags *Building Readers publication
Thank you! Thank you for coming. May this be a wonderful year full of great learning and reading for your child! --Pat Corra