We are always here if you need to reach us! Welcome to 2nd grade! Second Grade Teachers Room 201- Mrs. Simone Main - smain@cps.edu Room 202- Miss Emily Trapp- eltrapp@cps.edu Room 203- Mrs. Andreana Karacic- amihaljevic@cps.edu School telephone number: 773.534.3470 We are always here if you need to reach us! Classroom Websites Room 203 - http://karacic2.weebly.com/ Room 202- http://emilytrap2.wix.com/saugsecondgrade Room 201- http://room201rocks.weebly.com/
Language Arts Curriculum Language Arts –Consists of handwriting, writing, grammar, spelling and reading. Your children will be learning through The Daily 5 and Café Approach. This includes silent reading, partner reading, guided reading, working with words, and writer’s workshop. Students will be learning through the Daily 5 and Café approach. Through this approach, students will work on the various literacy components independently, with partners, and with the teacher using appropriate literature based on their Lexile Scores. Work is differentiated, which means that students will be working at his/her level.
Math Curriculum Last year, Sauganash adopted a new math program, Envision Math. We will continue the same program this year. Each day your child will participate in a wide variety of activities, including discussion, exploration, a hands-on activity and assessment. Envision Math covers many concepts including addition, subtraction, place value, geometry, graphing, multiplication, division and problem solving. At times, the students will be working in small groups to both challenge and reinforce math skills. Children will be placed in groups based upon needs, observation, class work, and NWEA Test Scores.
Science and Social Studies – Taught through experiments, discussions, projects, and a wide variety of literature. Science – homeroom teachers will teach. SOME of the Topics covered – Season, air and weather, balance and motion, the rainforest, the ocean, animals and their habitats, and insects Social Studies- homeroom teachers will teach. SOME of the Topics covered – Geography, map skills, community, US history (then and now), presidents, famous leaders and government
Missing Assignments/Homework Policy Students have MANY opportunities throughout the week to complete missing work. ALL class work is due on Friday at 3:00. It is better to turn in an assignment that is NEARLY completed than to not turn it in at all. We will be working on this over the next few weeks. Please remind your child to use his/her time wisely. Homework Policy Homework not present at designated class time is late or incomplete. This will result in a 0 for the assignment. Please note that homework is a small percentage of the students’ grade. Additionally, returning homework teaches the children to be responsible and accountable.
Classroom Management Use kind words and actions. Raise your hand. Classroom Rules Use kind words and actions. Raise your hand. Be a good listener. Always do your best. Use and indoor voice. Quiet in the halls. Fish Our class is always trying to earn fish. They do so by following the rules and making right choices. If the class earns 25 fish, they will have a fiesta. Cards Students pull cards when not following directions and/or breaking the rules. Chart Students monitor their own actions by placing pins on their behavior that day. The goal is to stay towards the top. Earning Fuzzies Green – Great day! Yellow – Miss Recess Red – Miss Recess & Note Home
Room Specials Check classroom websites to see what days your childs’ special is on!! Some specials will rotate quarterly so please make sure to check the website for updates Please note…send water bottles on GYM DAYS ONLY! Thank you.
Important Information about Second Grade… Students will have a concept quiz every week as well as Unit/Chapter tests throughout the quarter. Please check the websites for dates! Students should be reading at home every night. Please use Reading Log to record this information. Classroom books should be returned EACH day. Assignments notebooks are used to record homework and important classroom information. Please check and initial each night. Friday Folders go home EVERY Friday and need to be returned on Monday. Always check the ENTIRE folder as it is always FULL of work. Gradebook allows YOU to access your child’s grades ONLINE. Visit the website http://parent.cps.k12.il.us for more information. Please know, that when you see an assignment listed in the computer, you will then see the actual work in the Friday Folder.
Random…yet important thoughts! Pleeeeeeeeeeeeease join the PTA! They rock. LUNCH is $2.35 and milk is $.35. Feel free to pay for the entire week if that is easier. If your child is absent, make sure to call the office in the morning. Please send a note to explain the absence. LABEL everything with your CHILD’S NAME! We ALWAYS have a huge LOST and FOUND. The class does go out for RECESS!! PLEASE dress accordingly. You may send a treat for your child’s BIRTHDAY. We are requesting a non-food item such as stickers, pencils, bracelets, a small toy, etc. Please note, you DO NOT HAVE to send anything. We will still celebrate the birthday! Snacks are allowed for the afternoon but please make sure they are all NUT FREE!!!
In your packet, you will find… A class list Daily 5/Café Rubric Reading Logs Volunteer Request Form Please sign and return these forms as soon as possible. Also, there are forms circulating the room! Make sure you sign them before you leave. Thank you. Thank you so much for coming. We are looking forward to a FANTASTIC school year. Please let us know if you have any additional questions.