Back to School Grade 3
Third Grade Team Homeroom Ms. Gant Ms. Darlington (T1) and Ms. Anthenien Ms. Krieger Ms. Lankford Ability Group Ms. Freeman Ms. O’Mara
Specials (Art, Music, Technology, Physical Education) Teachers – Introduction of Specials teachers present. Curriculum Classroom resources and tools Extra Curricular opportunities Grading
Did you know? Communication American Academy Website All school events and policies Grade 3 Webpage Third grade specific events and curriculum Infinite Campus Dates and details for all assignments and assessments Teacher- best able to answer your question History: T1- Ms. Darlington/ T2 & T3- Ms. Krieger Science: Ms. Gant Literacy T1- Ms. Krieger / T2 & T3- Ms. Anthenien Ms. Lankford During the first week of technology, Mr. Murphy will teach your child how to appropriately email their teachers with questions. Ms. O’Mara Ms. Freeman
Login to AA Castle Pines Grade 3 Webpage Subscribe to Grade 3 Updates (emailed in AA and 3rd grade newsletter) News (default) Curriculum updates Field Trip Information Grade level events- Fun Run, Classroom Parties, etc. Side Menu Navigation Documents Links Literacy Sign-ups - volunteering Specials Schedules Volunteer with any teacher. Did you know? Login to AA Castle Pines Username: cpusers Password: aacp4kids
Infinite Campus- Parent Portal LOOK: Assignment/assessment information and grades will be updated frequently Please SAVE work in case of an error so you can send the work back in for adjustments to IC. MISSING ASSIGNMENTS- If you receive a missing assignment notice, this means the assignment was not turned in with the rest of the class. Please ask your child to locate, finish, and turn it in. Once turned in, we will reflect the change in the gradebook. It will receive a late assignment grade. OR your child was absent when the assignment was turned in. We will enter the assignment as missing until they return to school and complete the work. Once turned in, we will reflect the change in the gradebook. This does not fall under the late policy if turned in within the timeframe stated in the AA absent work policy.
Did you know? Infinite Campus- There’s an app for that! On the app: If you are looking at the assignment list, you cannot see teacher notes or descriptions. Click on planner, and go to your child’s schedule, click on each subject, click on the specific assignment to see all information. If you accept push notifications on the app, you will be notified immediately (rather than waiting until 6pm) about missed assignments and updated grades, but you will get several notifications throughout the day. Did you know? Directions to get the IC app are on the AA Website. Click on Resources, Infinite Campus, and Infinite Campus Mobile Apps. District ID: QKKYJL
AA Late/Absent Work Policies Late Policy for Homework or Classwork: K-3: Day 1: 10% Day 2: 20% Day 3-5: 50% After 5 days: no credit will be received Student must complete and turn in work ON TIME to receive full credit! Absent Work Policy: Students have 2 days for each EXCUSED absence to make up their work. Ex) If they were absent on Monday, they will obtain their missing work on Tuesday, and all work will be due on Thursday at the start of class. If you request work before a planned absence, it is up to each individual teacher whether they will be able to provide you with work ahead of time or not. If you do receive work in advance, it is due the day your child returns; otherwise, it is considered late.
Did you know? American Academy Character History- analyzing important people to know in our units of study American Academy Character is reinforced by all teachers and IA’s. Science- used as model of good teamwork and using the scientific method Literacy- developing ideas for our characters in writing Used as language across all subject areas- literacy (book characters, lessons in stories, writing ideas) Science- perseverance even when things aren’t going your way History- people we study Specials- in the moment lessons while engaging in content Homeroom/Recess- encourage social skills and lessons about interactions with others
Classroom Management We use a color chart to track student behavior. Each day your child starts on green. Staying on green (or even going up to silver) earns your child a ticket which can later be turned into the classroom treasure box. If your child changes his/her “color,” it will be noted in their planner. Silver day = above and beyond Green day = great day, keep up the good work Yellow day = slow down, make better choices Orange day = making bad choices, time out to think Red day = Discipline Process Talking tickets- These are used to remind students when is and isn’t an appropriate time to talk to others (color change and 5 min of silent walking at recess). Blue card- If your child forgets something and needs to return to another classroom, they will put in a “blue” card. This is NOT a color change, but they won’t receive a ticket at the end of the day.
Homework Binder & Planner Planner: All homework should be written in your child’s planner along with information about behavior chart color. Check daily and sign Add questions or notes for teachers Homework Binder: Eight labeled pockets help greatly with organization. Graded work and school flyers will be in the “Keep at Home” pocket of the binder. Please check and empty this pocket daily to help with organization. *Only remove items from the “Keep at Home” pocket of the folder.* Please help your child remember their binder and planner daily!
Saxon Math If your student is using a Saxon textbook, they have access to an online version so they do not have to lug that heavy book back and forth. If there is a discrepancy between the printed textbook and the online version, we will grade accordingly. Assessments: Every 5 lessons (i.e. after lesson 10, 15, 20, 25, etc.) Homework: generally every night (except on assessment days); lighter homework on Fridays Fact mastery is necessary, so PRACTICE, PRACTICE, PRACTICE! Vocabulary study guides will be sent home periodically. Homework will vary from class to class as we want it to be purposeful and focused on what our specific class needs
Science & STEM Science units with Ms. Gant Weather and Climate Force and Motion Changing Matter Rocks and Minerals Adaptations and Traits of Plants and Animals Hands-on activities, inquiry style, science notebooks STEM units with Ms. Weiss Nov./Dec.- WeDo Robotics Feb./Mar.- Sphero
Literacy Spalding (spelling, reading, and writing) -research based literacy program focusing on phonemic awareness, phonics, vocabulary, fluency, and comprehension -provides an interactive, multisensory approach to language instruction Step Up to Writing (Intermediate) -writing tools and mini lessons used to supplement Spalding writing curriculum -multisensory, consistent approach to writing instruction Shurley Grammar -grammar concepts and sentence diagramming lessons to supplement Spalding grammar/writing curriculum -multisensory instruction with jingles and sentence diagramming question and answer flow to support long term retention Daily Language Instruction (DLI) -weekly grammar concepts -editing for errors
What does our Literacy block look like? A.M. Language Arts 9:11-11:29 (20 min snack/recess break in the middle) P.M. Language Arts 1:08-3:02 Read Aloud (10-15 min) -demonstrate fluent and expressive reading; model new reading concepts/strategies Spelling (15-20 min) -phonogram practice (oral and written), spelling dictation, rule application, vocabulary Grammar/Writing (40-45 min) - language usage rules and application Reading (40-45 min) - reading strategies (Mental Actions), fluency, comprehension
Spelling Homework & Tests Things to know: Spelling Homework- Rather than assigning spelling soup or choose three each week, students will be required to “self study” for weekly spelling/vocabulary tests. There is a list of ideas for effective studying on my website under “my downloads.” Feel free to use these weekly to help your child study, but it will not be collected as a grade. Most weeks, however, I will be assigning at least 1 authentic spelling/vocab activity to be completed at home for a grade. These will always be posted in IC. Spelling Tests- Most weeks your child will have a spelling test at the end of the week. The words for the week will be posted on my website the Friday before. These words will mostly come from our Spalding spelling curriculum; however, some weeks may include words from Science/History vocabulary. There may also be a phonogram quiz to accompany the spelling test. All phonograms will come directly from the spelling words.
Once a Trimester Book Report Your child will complete a book report every trimester. Students will… 1. Choose a good fit book based on their Lexile level. 2. Read the book and choose a book report activity to complete. A list of book report options will be emailed home. Feel free to choose one of these options or find your own creative way to present the information. 3. See IC for details about assignment dates. The book report will be entered as a reading grade. Book Report Checklist Name (1) ______ Title (1) _____ Author (1) _______ Good Fit Book/Lexile Level (1) ______ Genre (1) ______ Neatness/Presentation (5) _____ Effort (5) ______ Plot (10) ______ Creativity (5) ______ Conventions (5) _____ Spelling (5) _____ Language Usage (5) ______ Total: _____/ 45
How do I find my child’s Lexile level? This year, there will be two ways to find your child’s Lexile level! MAP scores- This information will be sent home 3 times during the school year and will contain your child’s Lexile level from that test’s score. Istation reports- This information will be accessible to you monthly on the Istation parent portal (parent handout report) so you can track your child’s progress throughout the year. What should I do with this information? Visit to enter your child’s Lexile level and find a huge list of good fit books OR enter the title or author of a book to find its Lexile range.
History History units with Ms. Darlington (T1) and Ms. Krieger (T2/T3) Core Knowledge Canada Geography World Rivers Ancient Rome Vikings Earliest Americans European Explorers Thirteen Colonies Did you know? As a STEAM school, we try to connect students to the engineering design process when we find the opportunity. In third grade, your child will participate in several STEM lessons during history.
Studying Students will be required to study for history, science, spelling, and vocabulary tests throughout the year. Studying is a life skill and your child will need help mastering this type of homework. We teach study skills in the classroom, but we also need your support with this at home. We have provided a study tip resource on our Grade 3 webpage under Documents if you are looking for new ideas.
Your Child’s Schedule Your child has several teachers throughout the day. See the inside of your child’s planner for their specific schedule. Who teaches what? Math- All third grade homeroom teachers and ability group teachers Literacy- Ms. Lankford, Ms. Krieger (T1)/Ms. Anthenien (T2/T3), Ms. O’Mara, and Ms. Freeman Science- Ms. Gant History- Ms. Darlington (T1)/Ms. Krieger (T2/T3) Third graders have study hall (w/HR teacher)! *Sample schedule
Carpool Morning carpool begins at 7:35am. Students report to cafeteria School starts promptly at 8:05am. When students are tardy in morning, they miss important math instruction. You will need to line up at 7:35 to ensure your child arrives to class on time. Afternoon carpool begins at 3:35pm (All call ~4pm) Students will wait inside with their backpacks ready, and when their name is called they go directly out to carpool. Please communicate end of day plans to your child before school. If plans change last minute, notify the front office. We don’t always see your emails before the end of the school day.
Uniform & Daily Reminders Uniforms must be from Dennis Uniform- see approved uniform items in Parent Handbook Sock colors are navy, red, white, or black (no gray) Tights or leggings in navy, black, red or white Shoes No open toes Cannot go higher than their ankle Have your child bring a water bottle and healthy snack every day. THIRD GRADE CLASSROOMS ARE NUT-FREE!! No nuts at snack time (nuts are allowed at lunch only). Send your child with a sweatshirt or jacket in fall/spring months and a coat in winter months. Colorado weather changes very quickly! LABEL everything! This prevents lost jackets, gloves, water bottles, etc.
Instructional Assistants Our IAs care for and make sure your child is safe in the cafeteria and at recess. Please remind your child to respect them and treat them as they would any other teacher in the building.
Lunch Dates with your Child If you join your child for lunch in the cafeteria, your child can invite up to 2 friends to sit at the table with them. You and your child are responsible for cleaning up the table.
Birthdays Welcome to send in birthday activity, game, or non-edible item to share with your child’s homeroom class Celebrated during morning recess (10:09-10:31) Summer birthdays can celebrate on their half birthdays (i.e. July 5th celebrates on January 5th)
Questions about Third Grade? On your way out the door, fill out a question card with your name, email address, child’s name, and question! Thank you for coming!