Impact of the International Fellowships Program In South Africa
Program Overview
Introduction The Ford Foundation launched the International Fellowships Program in November 2000 with the largest single grant in its history The Program is administered through the partnerships the Ford Foundation has formed with various international non-profit organizations
Participating Countries The Program is offered in 22 countries in which the Ford Foundation maintains active overseas programs The African countries participating in the Program are: South Africa, Mozambique, Ghana, Nigeria, Senegal, Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, Egypt & Palestine
The Local International Partner The Africa-America Institute, which has over 50 years experience in administering educational programs across the African Continent, is the appointed International Partner responsible for administering the Program in both South Africa & Mozambique
The Vision for the Program To create a pool of leaders drawn from grass roots level who will ensure that issues of social injustice that impact negatively on development are addressed in their countries
Program Impact - How & to what Extent? How has IFP impacted on: Developing capacity Leadership development Social justice To what extend has IFP impacted on:
Developing Capacity - How The outreach/recruitment policy targets the provinces where there is the greatest need for capacity building & fewer opportunities The selection criteria applied means applicants who are normally overlooked for funding are also given an opportunity to achieve their academic potential Post-selection activities ensure that successful applicants are adequately prepared for their studies
Developing Capacity - How Placement options available – Fellows are exposed to international educational practices that broaden their academic experiences Monitoring activities ensure that Fellows are constantly supported and encouraged to complete their degrees Membership of the SA Alumni Association provides a platform to keep up-to-date & share knowledge with others, both locally & internationally, in the same field
Leadership Development - How The manner in which IFP is implemented provides ample opportunities to identify, develop and build on academic & leadership potential Local & international cohort activities and interaction – IFP Online; international conferences & seminars Encouragement to participate in activities linked to the program phases (Outreach; selection; PAT; post-selection & pre-departure)
Social Justice - How All IFP supported fields of study are relevant to South Africa’s identified development needs aimed at addressing social injustices in the areas of education, housing, employment, human rights, health and social services At the end of the study period, every award winner has been exposed to opportunities and experiences that can equip him/her to be an agent of social change in one or more of these development areas
Capacity Building – Extent of IFP’s Impact in SA The Program has identified and selected 230 South Africans from communities that previously lacked opportunities to pursue further higher education and increased their exposure to academic opportunities & experiences aimed at developing the skills and knowledge needed to realise their potential and achieve personal and career goals The following chart indicates the areas of study which correlate with the country’s development needs, and the percentage of award winners who will be better qualified to make a meaningful contribution to them
Capacity Building – Extent of IFP’s Impact in SA Arts & Culture = 7% Civil Society = 3% Community Development = 37% Development Finance & Economic Security = 6% Education & Scholarship = 6% Environment & Development = 11% Governance = 9% Human Rights = 4% Media = 5% Religion, Society & Culture = 2% Sexuality & Reproductive Health = 8% Workforce Development = 2%
Leadership Development – Extent of IFP’S Impact in SA There is tangible evidence of all Alumni having greatly improved levels of self-confidence that is vital for taking initiative Alumni are employed in policy-making and / or leadership positions in many key areas of development in the country (Education, justice system, economy, environmental management etc) Alumni lead community projects in 2 of the most under-developed provinces
Social Justice – Extent of IFP’s Impact in SA Through employment positions held, several Alumni play an important role in policy design and development affecting education, health, aspects of the criminal justice system, land management, environmental management etc Many others are responsible for the successful implementation of policies relating to these areas A few are actively involved in important & valuable development research projects
Closing Comments There is no doubt that IFP can have, and has had, an impact on developing & building the capacity and leadership needed to address social justice issues in South Africa, but it is still too early to accurately assess or predict the extent and value of the impact Ultimately however, it will be the actions of the Alumni that determine the extent and value that the IFP impact will have in the country