Hearing for the 2017 Budget & Levy December 1, 2016 @ 6:00 pm Sherburne County Hearing for the 2017 Budget & Levy December 1, 2016 @ 6:00 pm Sherburne County Mission: To provide the necessary services in a cost effective manner to support quality of life for Sherburne County citizens
Agenda 1) Market Value Questions 2) 2017 Budget Process, Priorities, and Budget Summary 3) Tax/Levy Impact Summary to the Taxpayer 4) Proposed Expenditures & Revenues 5) Where Do Your Tax Dollars Go 6) Property Tax Refund Program 7) Q&A/Discussion
Market Value Questions If you have any questions about your property’s market value, representatives from the Assessor’s Office are available to visit with you concerning issues dealing with valuation and/or classification. Feel free to meet with them now, or schedule an appointment for a later date
2017 Budget Process
2017 Budget Priorities Promote Healthy, Safe and Livable Communities Encourage Economic Vitality Enhance and Expand Partnerships While Creating and Informed Public Continue to be Fiscally Prudent and Stewards of the Public Trust Foster Organizational Excellence
Challenges Beyond 2017 Building Expansion Project Affordable Care Act Child Protection Mandates Market Rate Salaries Succession Planning Market Rate Salaries – how can Sherburne County remain competitive to attract the best and the brightest?
2017 County Budget Summary – Good News 3.8% pop. growth 2010 - 2015 (88,499 to 91,895) New housing permits growth: a low of 83 in 2011 to 300 in 2015: trend is continuing into 2016 Added $81M in new construction to 2017 tax base 30% increase over 2016 Average residential taxable value has increased approximately 3.5% to $186,600 Staff reorganizations continue to occur countywide Implementation of LEAN Processes
2017 County Budget Summary - Challenges Expanding State Mandates and Child Protection Program Costs 2.5% general employee wage scale adjustment partially offset by changes in countywide cafeteria contributions Revenue Losses ($650,000) Mental Health Program Revenue (PMAPS) Reduction to income earnings Community Corrections Transition Aid
2017 Budget Summary (cont.) The budget contains the following staffing requests with the proposed starting date (Total Cost = $300K) 2 P&Z FTE’s (non-levy) to support added demand 3.25 HHS FTE’s driven primarily by federal and state mandated services Assistant County Attorney I Half Time to Full Time Custodian
Tax/Levy Impact Summary Staff is recommending a 2017 Countywide levy of $44,482,537 an increase of 3.65% over the 2016 levy. This represents a reduction of $426,529 since the preliminary levy. 14th lowest per capita county levy in Minnesota. Recommending a Regional Rail levy of $1,460,292 = 10% reduction from the 2016 Rail levy. The net impact of the two levies is a 3.15% countywide levy increase.
Tax/Levy Impact Summary Average Minnesota preliminary increases for 2017 Cities = preliminary increase of 6.2% Counties = preliminary increase of 4.2% Schools = 2.8% Slide 13 has more detailed notes of the changes in each Sherburne County jurisdiction.
Tax/Levy Impact Summary (cont) Due to the increases in tax base mentioned earlier, the recommended levy would reduce the County tax rate for the 3rd consecutive year. If your value remained flat, the county portion of your taxes would actually drop slightly. Based on the valuation trends, the average home owner would see an approximate $3.00 per month increase to the county portion of their tax bill. On the other hand, the average commercial/industrial and agricultural land valuations were held constant or actually decreased resulting in tax reductions in 2017 for many taxpayers. Added $81M in new construction to 2017 tax base and Average residential taxable value has increased approximately 3.5%
The main “transfers” are Parks-Fund balance (500,000) Jail Bond payment (1,300,000), PW Fund balance (385,000), HHS fund balance (550,000) and IT Recorder’s Comp Fund (321,000).
Today, this is what the average valued homeowner pays per month for County services.