Discourse Faculty Meeting Ruth E. Cain, Ed.D., Director of Assessment 7 August 2018
Why We Assess Assessment helps us to make sure we are fulfilling the promises we make to our students and to society (Suskie, 2010; Finley, 2014) Institutional mission and values statements General Education mission, goals, and student learning outcomes (SLOs) Department / program mission statement, educational goals, and SLOS Individual course SLOs
Assessment helps us to ensure we are delivering on what we care about: that students get the best possible education, and that learning is of appropriate scope, depth, and rigor.
Three Fundamental Questions What have our students learned? Are we satisfied with what they’ve learned? If not, what are we going to do about it? (Eder, 2010)
Assessment of the Gen Ed Core Authentic Assessment - evaluation of student artifacts double-blind reviews by faculty of random samples of student artifacts, collected and evaluated over a three-year cycle as follows: Discourse 100, Anchor 100, and Focus C (2017-18); Discourse 200, Anchor 200, and Focus A; and Discourse 300, Anchor 300, and Focus B. Course Assessment Reports completed by faculty revised and reintroduced in 2017-18
Discourse 100 – Data Collection Written Communication Guidelines for an assignment designed to elicit the written communication student learning outcomes Ungraded copies of work submitted by students selected in random sample Evaluated by trained faculty panels against the AAC&U Written Communication Rubric Oral Communication Copies of scored rubric used to grade identified oral presentations by student selected in a random sample
Data Collection Process Names of students selected in random samples will be sent to Discourse 100 faculty in late September (after Census Day – September 18) Notification email will include instructions for submitting artifacts and scored rubrics Deadline for submission – December 21 Process will be repeated in Spring 2018 Assessment Panels will be convened in late-May 2018 – sign up!
2016-17 Assessment Results Data Discussion