DISC Behavioral Style Profile Volunteer Management Conference December 2, 2016 mnliteracy.org
Agenda QuickDISC Activity Behavior Basics The 4 Dimensions Four Corners Activity Implications for Teamwork Q&A mnliteracy.org
QuickDISC mnliteracy.org
History of DISC Hippocrates, Jung Marston William Moulton Marston, PhD (1893-1947) Harvard graduate, psychologist & researcher Author of “Emotions of Normal People” Father of DISC Invented best way to measure systolic blood pressure And, the creator of Wonder Woman mnliteracy.org
A person’s ability to learn is the greatest modifier of behavior. Behavior Basics Behavior is what we see and interact with first when we meet with others. Skills & Experience A person’s ability to learn is the greatest modifier of behavior. Education & Training Values explain why we do what we do. It may be ___ days, or longer, before we share values with others. Values Intelligence BEHAVIOR mnliteracy.org
Behavior Basics Everyone has elements of all 4 dimensions Behavior isn’t random: __% - __% of behavior is genetically inherited Recognizing people as they are and relating to them in their style is more effective than expecting/hoping someone will change …(or you may be waiting a long time) mnliteracy.org
D I S C Behavioral Style Profile: Four Dimensions Dominant I Influencing S Steady C Conscientious When dealing with Problems People Pace Procedures “High” Faster Lots of interaction Deliberate, lots of planning Follow all the rules Prefer to behave in this way “Low” Slower Less interaction Little planning Disregard the rules mnliteracy.org
D I C S Perceives Self as More Powerful than the Environment Perceives Environment as Favorable Perceives Environment as Unfavorable C S Perceives Self as Less Powerful than the Environment mnliteracy.org
D I C S Active Fast Paced Assertive Bold Accepting Questioning People Focused Receptive Agreeable Questioning Logic Focused Skeptical Challenging C S Thoughtful Moderate Pace Calm Careful mnliteracy.org
D I C S 18% 28% 40% 14% mnliteracy.org Explain why…it impacts everything: transportation, conversations with teachers at school, on the job safety, health care, etc. 40% 14% mnliteracy.org
Why use DISC? To better understand positive and negative perceptions of style characteristics Self Others To gain insights about personal preferences relating to: Work style Learning style Environment Strengths Potential overuses Explain why…it impacts everything: transportation, conversations with teachers at school, on the job safety, health care, etc. mnliteracy.org
Four Corners Your assignment: Plan a social outing for the entire group for this evening. mnliteracy.org
Implications for… Productivity Teamwork Communication mnliteracy.org