What is your compulsion? A debate that has been going on for some time now is, Apple or Android? In our society religion and politics are two subjects that are supposed to be forbidden to talk about in conversations..
What is your compulsion? When we consider the spiritual aspect of compulsion what should we be doing as a christian? What should our compulsion be? Should we feel compelled, because of the attitude of the world around us, not to say anything? Or should we feel compelled to say everything we can?
What is your compulsion? Acts 4:19-20 – Peter and John told the council that they could not but speak the things they had seen and heard Jer. 20:7-12 – Jeremiah faces compulsion from without and within Ex. 3-4 – Gods compels Moses to be His prophet Dan. 3 – Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-Nego could not be compelled to bow down and worship an idol
What is your compulsion? This man was a Jew and was raised in a prominent family. He was brought up to be faithful to the Law of Moses. He was educated by a respected teacher and he was a member of the sect of the Pharisees. We are introduced to him in Acts 8.
What is your compulsion? Acts 8:1-3 – Saul consented to the death of Stephen. He made havoc of the church putting christians into jail. Acts 9:1-2 – Saul was given letters from the high priest to go to Damascus and bring christians back to Jerusalem in chains.
What is your compulsion? Acts 26:6-12 – The compulsion of Saul was great. He was compelled by the promise of God to Abraham. He was compelled to serve God earnestly in the hope that he would attain to the promise of God. He felt compulsion to persecute the saints. He compelled the saints to blaspheme.
What is your compulsion? Saul was a man driven by his compulsion to serve God. His compulsion caused him to persecute the saints in Jerusalem and Judea. His compulsion caused him to throw saints into prisons. His compulsion caused him to torture the saints. His compulsion caused him to vote for their death.
What is your compulsion? “Away with Him, away with Him! Crucify Him!” John 19:15; Luke 23:21; Mark 15:13-14; Matt. 27:22 Saul might have even been among those who cried out for the crucifixion of Jesus. Saul’s compulsion was based on his zeal for God. Acts 22:3; Acts 23:1
What is your compulsion? Saul was introduced to Jesus on the road to Damascus. Acts 8:3-9 – Jesus is revealed to Saul It is at this point that Saul’s compulsion changes. He is no longer compelled to keep the Old Law but he is compelled to obey and keep the Gospel of Jesus.
What is your compulsion? Acts 9:18, 22:16 – Saul was baptized When Ananias tells him to arise and be baptized and wash away his sins Saul was compelled to do it. Saul immediately began to preach Jesus. Acts 9:20-22 – his compulsion for God caused him to do this
What is your compulsion? 1 Cor. 9:16-17 – Paul was compelled by Christ to preach the Gospel and he understood the compulsion he was under The compulsion of Paul was the same compulsion that Jesus placed upon the other apostles. Matt. 28:18-20 – “Go…make disciples…baptizing them…” Mark 16:15-16 – “Go into all the world and preach the Gospel…”
What is your compulsion? What is your compulsion? Are you compelled to teach the Gospel and the apostles were? What if the person who taught you did not have the compulsion to teach you the Gospel?