Overview of the PACC*VISTA PROgram Supervising PACC*VISTA Members
Mission of Pennsylvania Campus Compact Pennsylvania Campus Compact enhances the capacity of campuses and communities to educate students for civic engagement to advance a healthy, just and democratic society. We accomplish this by leveraging resources, providing educational and professional development opportunities, individual coaching, and leading in emerging civic engagement trends.
Mission of VISTA AmeriCorps*VISTA (Volunteers in Service to America) builds capacity in non-profit organizations and communities to help bring individuals and communities out of poverty.
Dual Goals of PACC*VISTA Program Strengthening Communities Developing Leaders Poverty elimination Building capacity of community partners Addressing community-identified needs Program sustainability Experience with both campus and community Building skills Exposure to multiple career fields Life-long active citizens
Emphasis for 2011-2012 If you wish to make an impact for one year, plant corn; if you wish to make an impact for a generation, plant a tree; if you wish to make an impact for an eternity, educate a child. Author Unknown More national scrutiny on AmeriCorps programmatic & fiscal effectiveness, resulting in more focus on: Community beneficiary outcome Telling the story in certain terms Using training funds more efficiently
Role of a PACC*VISTA Member "Let the world change you and you can change the world." Che Guevera Implements pre-approved VISTA Assignment Description (VAD) Serves as a coordinator and trainer, but not a direct service provider Does not perform administrative or clerical support for any person or project other than that outlined in the VAD Does not take on duties that would more appropriately be done by a paid staff member and does not relate to VAD
AmeriCorps*VISTA Member vs. Employee Similarities Differences Collaboration with staff & community members Included in staff meetings and other events Receives regular feedback on performance Workday as defined by the host campus Limited in activities by VISTA Terms & Conditions Implements VAD outlined in grant application “Works for” multiple stakeholders: community, VISTA, host campus, & PACC Does not receive traditional compensation More focus on professional & leadership development
Role of the PACC*VISTA Supervisor "If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more, and become more, you are a leader." John Quincy Adams VISTA Supervisor acts as coach to: Ensure the successful implementation of the VAD Anticipate & address VISTA member needs through the experience “cycle” Help VISTA & Supervisor function together as an effective team Develop member’s awareness and insights to span a life of service and advocacy
Responsibilities of Supervisor “I am a man of fixed and unbending principles, the first of which is to be flexible at all times.” Sen. Everett Dirksen Develop and implement orientation and trainings for PACC*VISTA Meet weekly one-on-one with VISTA Member to review VAD progress & troubleshoot issues Provide regular, constructive feedback regarding performance Review and sign Bi-Annual Progress Reports Communicate additional needs to the AmeriCorps Program Director
Key VISTA Terms & Conditions 10 personal days & 10 sick leave days Cannot have part-time jobs or be employed while serving as a VISTA member Cannot supervise full- or part-time staff or other AmeriCorps members (i.e. SISPA or CF) Cannot perform duties that would replace or supplant those of a full-time college or university staff member
Key Terms & Conditions (Con’t.) Cannot give religious instruction, or be required to participate in religious activities during work hours Cannot participate in political campaigns, voter registration drives, or partisan politics on VISTA time, or perceived VISTA time Cannot receive monetary compensation in connection with work CAN receive benefits through host site to support basic living expenses CAN receive gifts, as any other staff member would, but not in direct connection to work
Recruiting your VISTA Member "When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace." Jimi Hendrix Marketing materials provided by PACC: Overview of PACC*VISTA (.doc) PACC*VISTA Openings (.doc) Host Campus Abstracts (.doc) Developing a position description Advertising your position Interviewing prospective PACC*VISTA members
Enrolling Your PACC*VISTA eGrants/MyAmeriCorps eGrants uses common username & password Post opportunity listing Outreach to potential candidates Accept & enroll PACC*VISTA Member Manage all service-related paperwork Support from PACC: eGrants Manual eGrants Web Tutorials for PACC*VISTA
Preparing for your PACC*VISTA “The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.” Mahatma Gandhi Review & update your VAD Plan on-site orientation and training Keep in touch with member
Orienting your PACC*VISTA “Focusing your life solely on making a buck shows a certain poverty of ambition.” President Barack Obama Orientation from PACC & CNS: Pre-PSO Meeting, specifically for PACC*VISTAs Pre-Service Orientation (PSO) Orientation from host campus On-Site Orientation Review of Logic Model, VAD & Performance Measures*
Supporting Your PACC*VISTA Training & Technical Assistance from PACC: Conference Call Series Mid-year Retreats End of Service Training Coaching from PACC for Members & Supervisors Support from Host Campus: Weekly one-on-one with Supervisor & VISTA Campus-based professional development classes Conferences and other professional development opportunities
Monitoring Project Progress “Volunteers are the only human beings on the face of the earth who reflect this nation's compassion, unselfish caring, patience, and just plain love for one another.” Erma Bombeck Monitoring by PACC: Fall or Spring Site Visit Bi-Annual Progress Reports* Bi-Annual Written Reflections Monitoring by host campus: Weekly one-on-ones with Supervisor & VISTA Mid-year Performance Evaluation
Resources for Supervisors Web: www.paccompact.org/vista www.vista.gov www.vistacampus.org Paper: PACC*VISTA Host Site Agreement VISTA Member Terms & Conditions Supervisor Handbook
People Resources for Supervisors Meghan Oakley-Henning, AmeriCorps Program Director moakley@paccompact.org, 717-460-6333 Christine Bagley, PA State Program Officer cbagley@cns.gov, 215-597-2828 VISTA Member Support Unit vistamembersupportunit@cns.gov