We Praise You Words adapted from the ancient liturgical hymn ‘Te Deum’. Words & music by Andrew Judd, Greg Cooper & Garage Hymnal (© 2011 Garage Hymnal/Rhinoceros.


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Presentation transcript:

We Praise You Words adapted from the ancient liturgical hymn ‘Te Deum’. Words & music by Andrew Judd, Greg Cooper & Garage Hymnal (© 2011 Garage Hymnal/Rhinoceros Music Publishing)

We praise you, our God, our Lord Together with angels, we as one Cry Holy, Lord God of hosts Heaven and earth could not subdue

Give us your help now, our sovereign Lord All of your people, you’ve bought with blood Bless us and keep us Your mercy light our faces Light our faces, God, light our way

You came down, faced sharpest death Opened up life to all on earth You sit now at God’s right hand Bringing your justice on our land

Give us your help now, our sovereign Lord All of your people, you’ve bought with blood Bless us and keep us Your mercy light our faces Light our faces, God

Give us your help now, our sovereign Lord All of your people, you’ve bought with blood Bless us and keep us Your mercy light our faces Light our faces, God, light our way