Assemblies Topic: Dream S4 – S6 House Assemblies SA Wednesday SL Thursday
Prom has been booked for Saturday 16th of June at the Hub. A £20 deposit is due for the 10th November. This must be handed to Regan Brock. If you have any problems please speak to her.
(Room 007) Drama Club Thursday 3.30 – 4.30 Creativity Collaboration Critical Thinking Communication
There is a meeting on Monday 6th November at 1:15pm prompt in room 308 New S4/S5 SILVER group There is a meeting on Monday 6th November at 1:15pm prompt in room 308 All must attend, any problems see Mr Boyle or Miss McDonald before then
French Homework and Study Club Every Wednesday S1 and S2 French Homework and Study Club Every Wednesday lunchtime (1:20-1:45) and after school (3:35-4:00) Room 214 with Ms. Gendreau and Mr. Barul
House logo competition! Have the chance to be creative and artistic by coming up with a design for your house’s logo. There will be one winner from each house. These 4 winners will receive great prizes and their designs will be used as the logos of the 4 houses. There will also be house points given out for the best designs. The competition starts on the 6th of November. The designs need to be handed in by the 17th of November. You will return your completed template into the box that will be placed in your registration room, these will then be collected by us. The designs will be judged by a carefully selected group of teachers and the top 5 designs from each house and the overall winners will be announced on the 4th of December.
Lasswade RFC – S1 Fun Day !!! Come down and give rugby a TRY from 1-3pm on Friday 17th November @ Lasswade RFC. Experience rugby for the first time or pick up were you left off with coaches and teachers from Lasswade. Lunch will be provided for those who attend. For more details come see Mr Graham or Mr Moody in the PE Department.
Fort Kinnaird Christmas Job Vacancies 2017 Fort Kinnaird Christmas Recruitment Centre at 31 Fleming House, Fort Kinnaird Retail Park will be open from Tuesday 19th September until Thursday 16th November - Tuesday to Thursday from 10am to 4pm The Recruitment Centre advertises Christmas job vacancies on behalf of employers at Fort Kinnaird. You make an appointment to visit the Centre in person by phoning 0131 657 2674 or search for vacancies on-line. Web: Email: /Recruitment SkillsCentre FortKinnaird @RSCFortKinnaird
Community Beetle Drive For the Elderly 17th November 2017 13:00-15:00 LHS Atrium Entry fee £2 If you know any isolated older people in the community, bring them along!
Calling budding S1-3 Engineers! Anyone in S1-3 interested in... Mechanical marvels Soaring structures Perplexing puzzles Rampaging robots Then the Lasswade Young Engineers Club is the place for you! If you’re interested in joining, please come to room 011 and put your name down on the sign-up sheet on the door. Members from last year who wish to continue should also come and put their names down.
Looking to study for a medical or veterinary career?
In S5/6 and interested in a career in Animation. Go to www. intofilm In S5/6 and interested in a career in Animation? Go to if you want to attend.
Working at Edinburgh Airport 6pm, Monday 6th November 18 Croft Street Dalkeith Come along and find out about the growing opportunities at Edinburgh Airport. Are you interested in a career at the Airport? Come along and find out more. Get connected with those that can help you secure a job at the Airport To book please go to Any questions? Contact the team on 0131 271 3713
POLICE MESSAGE POLICE SCOTLAND MESSAGE FOR HALLOWEEN/FIREWORKS. People on all sorts of occasions enjoy fireworks, but sometimes they can be misused, making them dangerous and a nuisance. The Fireworks Act makes it an offence to: Let fireworks off in a public place. A public place is anything other than your own property such as parks, the street or at school. For anyone under 18 to possess fireworks in a public place (other than a sparkler). Possess public display fireworks by anyone other than a firework professional. Set off fireworks between 11pm and 7am – apart from on 5th November, Diwali, New Year’s Eve and the Chinese New Year, when the curfew is extended to midnight. If you misuse fireworks and break the law you could be fined or be issued with an Anti-social Behaviour Order (ASBO). ENJOY HALLOWEEN – PLEASE DO SO SAFELY & LEGALLY!