Phase 1– 1933-1935 Attempt to boycott Jewish businesses Elimination Jews from civil service Nuremburg Laws “Don’t buy from Jews; Shop in German businesses!”
Phase II – 1939 Nazis begin to identify Jewish assets Jewish ghettos established Ghettos - a provisional measure until German leaders determined what to do w/ Jews
Phase III – The Final Solution - 1941 Begins with invasion of Russia Hard to know exactly when Hitler did not commit his name to written documents All European Jews would be rounded up and killed. Goebbels
Death Camps Began construction in Oct 1941 Poland and Czech. Different than concentration camps Upon arrival Divided into workers and non workers Showers - Zyklon B
What did Germans Know? German people told Jews were being resettled East The Final Solution was veiled in secrecy Why? Felt German people would be unprepared for the truth Were concerned about allied propaganda SS/Gestapo needed to round up the Jews quietly
What did Allies Know? Some reports smuggled out of Poland in 1942, 43 Hard to believe - Germans fought under accepted rules of war Concrete evidence not obtained until 1944
What Should They Do? Bomb the camps? Would prevent continuation of murders, but Allies would kill innocents Solution: End the war as quickly as possible and liberate these camps.
Losses Four million Jews will die in Death Camps Two million will be murdered by SS as they emptied villages Estimates of total Jewish deaths range from 6-8 million.