Fastest growth since late 1990s
Ericsson, NSC, D&P, Auto Insurance Report
Distracted Driving More than 400,000 people a year are injured from distracted driving 11 teens die from texting every day ¼ crashes involve a cell phone (~1.3 million accidents) Texting makes an accident 23x more likely! 77% of young adults are very or somewhat confident they can text and drive safely; 55% say it’s easy 1/5 drivers (all ages) confess to surfing web while driving Key Stats: Over 400,000 people a year are injured from distracted driving 11 teens DIE from texting every day ¼ crashes involve a cell phone (~1.3 million accidents) Texting makes an accident 23x more likely! 77% of young adults are very or somewhat confident they can text and drive safely; 55% say it’s easy 1/5 drivers (all ages) confess to surfing web while driving So what we can we do about it? We see you as a local agent as a piece of this solution. You are trusted in times of catastrophe to help keep families safe. We want to offer you a tool that can help you do just that with distracted driving. *click to Cell Control video* 13% of drivers 18-20 admitted to cell phone use at time of crash Engaging with your cell phone while driving increases your crash risk by 4x Five seconds is the average time your eyes are off the road while texting. When traveling at 55mph, that's enough time to cover the length of a football field blindfolded. A quarter of teens respond to a text message once or more every time they drive. 20 percent of teens admit that they have extended, multi-message text conversations while driving.
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