The nervous system
The nervous system Definition It is a body system containing a network of cells called neurons that control the actions of an animal and transmit signals between different parts of its body احد اجهزة الجسم ويتكون من شبكة من الخلايا التي تسيطر على جسم الحيوان وتنقل الاشارات بين خلايا الجسم
nervous system
Structural Classification of the Nervous System -- The nervous system consists of two parts, مكون من جزئين (المركزي والطرفي)central and peripheral. -- The central nervous system الجهاز العصبي المركزيcontains the brain المخand spinal cordالحبل الشوكي . -- The peripheral nervous system consists of sensory neurons, clusters of neurons called gangliaالعقد, and nerves الاعصاب .
Functions of the Nervous System 1. Sensory input – gathering information To monitor changes occurring inside and outside the body (changes = stimuli) 2. Integration to interpret sensory input and decide if action is needed. 3. Motor output A response to stimuli The response activates muscles or glands
Nervous Tissue: Type of cells The nervous system contains two main categories or types of cells: neurons and glial cells. 1. Neurons -- Cells specialized to transmit messages -- It has a cell bodyجسم الخلية , dendritesالزوائد الشجرية , and an axonمحور الخلية.
Neuron Anatomy Dendrites Cell body Axon Nucleus -- Dendrites conduct impulses توصل الاشاراتtoward the cell bodyنحو جسم الخلية, while axons conduct impulses away بعيداً from the cell body. Dendrites Cell body Nucleus Axon
Functional Classification of Neurons (A) Sensory neurons حسية Carry impulsesتحمل الاشارات from the sensory receptors مستقبلات حسية (B) Motor neurons حركية Carry impulsesتحمل الاشارات from the central nervous system (C) Interneurons البينية They connect sensory and motor neurons.
Sensory neurons Carries impulses from receptors e.g pain receptors in skin to the CNS( brain or spinal cord)
Carries impulses from sensory nerves to motor nerves. Interneuron Carries impulses from sensory nerves to motor nerves.
Motor neuron Carries impulses from CNS to muscle to bring about movement or gland to bring about secretion of hormone
2. Glial cells خلايا الغراء العصبي -- They are non-neuronal cells that provide support and nutrition
Neuroglia vs. Neurons Neuroglia divide. Neurons do not. Most brain tumors involve the Neuroglia cells, not the neurons.