Bin Yang TSRA Seminar 2013/11/15 Application of oil flooded compression with regeneration to a packaged heat pump system Bin Yang TSRA Seminar 2013/11/15
Outline Oil flooded compression system SPP(Small Packaged Product) unit test Preliminary study on secondary loop using oil flooded compression with regeneration technology 8/6/2018
Oil flooded compression system Oil flooded compressor test (Sugi’s work) Definition of overall isentropic efficiency Determination of oil specific heat capacity Compressor map 8/6/2018
Oil flooded compression system By courtesy of Ian Bell(2011) 8/6/2018
Oil flooded compressor test By courtesy of Sugi (2012) 8/6/2018
Oil flooded compressor test (From Sugi’s thesis, 2012) Condensing temperature: 43.3 ℃ Injected oil temperature: 25.0 ℃ 8/6/2018
Definition of overall isentropic efficiency 8/6/2018
Definition of overall isentropic efficiency 8/6/2018
Determination of oil specific heat capacity Use a constant specific heat capacity POE oil, C_p = 2.30 kJ/kg-K as recommended by Totten (2003) Problem: Use a variable specific heat capacity Specific heat capacity changes with temperature Conde (1996), Lee and Kesler (1976) 8/6/2018
Determination of oil specific heat capacity Method: Combine the model from Conde (1996) and Lee-Kesler (1976). 8/6/2018
Constant vs. variable specific heat capacity Constant oil specific heat Variable oil specific heat 8/6/2018
Summary of overall isentropic efficiency 8/6/2018
Compressor map xL -- oil mass fraction; Rho_x: density, kg/m^3 T_oil,1 – injection oil temperature, K; T_gas,1 – suction gas temperature, K; T_2m – discharge temperature, K; T_C -- critical temperature, K; P_1,2 -- suction/discharge pressure, kPa; m_dot -- mass flow rate, kg/s; W_dot -- compressor power, W. 8/6/2018
Compressor map C1 = 0.9469 C8 = 0.02698 C15 = -5.185 C2 = 1.053 8/6/2018
Compressor map 8/6/2018
Compressor map 8/6/2018
Compressor map 8/6/2018
Compressor map 8/6/2018
SPP (Small Packaged Product) test SPP unit test system Test matrix Test results New SPP unit test on the agenda 8/6/2018
SPP unit test system 8/6/2018
SPP unit test system 8/6/2018
Test matrix Legend: * : Test not specified in AHRI210/240 Test Base Name Indoor Unit (ºF) Outdoor Unit (ºF) Indoor Air (CFM) EDB EWB H1 70 <=60 47 43 1750 H2 35 33 H3 17 15 H4* min Legend: * : Test not specified in AHRI210/240 **: For every test in heating mode, vary the oil mass fraction from 0.0 to 0.30, running at 0.0/0.05/0.10/0.15/0.20/0.30.. 8/6/2018
Test results System COP Heating capacity 8/6/2018
New oil flooded compressor 8/6/2018
Preliminary study on the secondary loop using oil flooded compression with regeneration technology 8/6/2018
Secondary loop using oil flooded compression 8/6/2018
Use the R410A compressor map (a) Operating condition in the propane compressor map (b) Operating condition out of the propane compressor map 8/6/2018
Flow chart of the cycle model 8/6/2018
System performance 8/6/2018
Thank you! 8/6/2018