An Update on Student Veterans, WVASFAA, Fall 2017
Contact L.G. Corder Director Office of Veterans Education and Training Student Affairs Division (304) 558-0263•
Misc. Info. Most student veterans in WV are either Ch. 33 or 1606 In May, 2017, there were 12,832 VA beneficiaries enrolled in WV institutions (78% at APUS) 51 Million = how much money from VA flowed into WV in FY 16 for veterans’ education 145,000 = current VA estimate of WV vet pop
Misc. Info. Cont’d. IHLs in WV = 49 (Public 21, Private for Profit 16, Private Non-profit 12) NCDs in WV = 30 (Public 18, Private for Profit 11, Private Non-profit 1) VA has paid out nearly 72 billion under the Post 9/11 GI Bill since inception in Aug. ’09
Misc. Info. Cont’d. Recent Article at Inside Higher Ed = Net Price Keeps Creeping Up “Meanwhile, the makeup of federal grant aid has skewed more heavily toward veterans. Pell Grants fell from 76 percent of federal grants in 2006-07 to 66 percent of federal grants in 2016-17, even as they grew in dollar terms. Veterans’ benefits increased from $3.2 billion to $12.9 billion during the same time frame, rising from 16 percent to 32 percent of all federal grants. The recent Forever GI Bill will reinforce the trend, according to the reports.”
Old Stuff VA Education Benefits: Post 9/11 GI Bill – Ch. 33 Fry Scholarship – dependents of fallen Post 9/11 Yellow Ribbon – all public undergrad programs req’d participation, open to Private institutions too ($22,805.34 is the current cap at Private schools) Eligibility note: Active duty Servicemembers and their spouses are not eligible for this program. Child transferees of active duty Servicemembers may be eligible if the Servicemember is qualified at the 100 percent rate.
Old Stuff Cont’d Montgomery GI Bill – Ch. 30 GI Bill SR (Reservists and Nat’l Guard) – Ch. 1606 REAP (Reservists) – Ch. 1607 = SUNSET VEAP (Vietnam) – Ch. 32 Dependent’s Ed Assist. – Ch. 35
Newer Stuff SCO Handbook updated April 2017 GI Bill Comparison Tool VA Debts WV War Orphans, Purple Heart, MOH In State Tuition Forever GI Bill
SCO Handbook Updated Get it! VA GI Bill site => School Training Particular attention to following changes/clarifications: Term Start Dates (if within 7 days, first day of term but modular terms still have their own separate dates) Allowable fees (especially books) - The fee must be the same and be mandatory for all students, even if it could be obtained from other sources.
GI Bill Comparison Tool Data Complaints!
VA Indebtedness - School Why? Who? = DMC and TOP (if you don’t pay) = our State’s ELR How? DMC letters Verify and Pay (use the stub)
VA Indebtedness - Student Why? (don’t forget about mitigating circ.) Who? = DMC How? = Letter School involvement? Get the letter from the student = dispute or inquire, include all pertinent information Pay it if you want; stub!
WV War Orphans, Purple Heart, MOH WVa Code§18-19-1 – War Orphans WVa Code §18B-10-10 – Purple Heart and MOH Pay attention to any limitations in either and call if not sure (either our Financial Aid Director, Brian Weingart, or L.G.)
In State Tuition Section 702, All public institutions as of July 1, 2015 In state tuition for “covered individuals”= living in WV, at least 90 days, using GI Bill, begins within 3 years of discharge. Section 416, All public institutions as of July 1, 2017 Slightly modified/clarified covered individual status as to transferees of AD members and Fry recipients
Forever GI Bill Forever… for some… 1/1/13 and after Purple Heart (PH) – full eligibility beginning 8/1/18 Yellow Ribbon – eligibility for Fry, PH, and AD members at > ½ time, beginning 8/1/18 REAP transfer into 9/11 MHA = based on where actually attending, 8/1/18 Entitlement Restoration upon closures
Forever GI Bill Con’td Chapter 35 = from 45 months to 36, 8/1/18, but increase of $200/month, 10/1/18 STEM scholarship = additional year of Post 9/11 benefits up to 30k, beginning 8/1/19
Time? Questions?
Thank You My supervisor: Dr. Adam Green 304-558-1112