Francis Drake By Natania & Shiv.


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Presentation transcript:

Francis Drake By Natania & Shiv

Introduction Francis was born in 1543 and died in 1596 Is a famous English seaman Born in Devonshire, England Spent most of his life raiding Spanish possessions often as a pirate Had 12 siblings Died of dysentery

Journey Sailed on a ship called “The Golden Hind” Crew size of 150 men Ship was 75 ft. long and weighed 100 tons Had 12 cannons

Purpose of Journey To look for the Northwest Passage Main reason was plunder

Challenges He and his crew were attacked by local people in the island of Mocha Drake was wounded by an arrow in that attack.

Historical Contributions Discovered that the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans are joined Claimed a land near what is now San Francisco for England First Englishman to sail around the world


Question: How much money were his treasures worth altogether when he returned to England? B: $10 000 000 A B

Correct! Answer A Returned to Plymouth with a million dollars worth of treasure!

Incorrect! Answer B Returned to Plymouth with a million dollars worth of treasure

Cool Facts -Drake was knighted by Queen Elizabeth I. -Drake became mayor of Plymouth. -Drake beheaded one of his good friends, Thomas Doughty, because Drake suspected him of planning a mutiny.

References Neal, Grant.” The Great Atlas of Discovery” .Canada: McClellan and Stewart Inc., 1992. Print Gibbs, Gary G. "Drake, Sir Francis." World Book Student. World Book, 2010. Web. 24 April 2010 Greenblatt, Miriam. “Elizabeth I and Tudor England.” New York: Benchmark Books, 2000. Print No Author Found. “ Sir Francis Drake”. Elizabeth Era, March 20, 2008. Web. April 26, 2010. No Author Found. “ Sir Francis Drake English Explorer”. Concord Learning Systems, n.d.. Web. April 26, 2010.

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