Foreign investment in JAPAN Moldovan Alina Andreea Anul I, MCAC
Content Introduction What it takes to invest in Japan Investment policy Investment incentives Conclusion 2 / 8
Introduction The Japanese market is one of the most challenging in the world, and at the same time it is both dynamic and rewarding. According to many foreign companies, the profit margins in Japan are some of the highest in the world. Many foreign companies use Japan as a key to penetrate other Asian markets. Achieving success in Japan requires commitment and quality. 3 / 8
What it takes to invest in Japan Japan is a challenging place in which to do business. The commitment required to succeed in Japan has four main elements: sufficient financial resources and personnel; a willingness to modify products to meet the needs of Japanese customers; patience and a long-term view; careful monitoring of Japanese government regulations. 4 / 8
Investment policy Foreign investment requires careful consideration especially with respect to marketing, manufacturing, distribution and taxation. Japan has been active in promoting foreign investment by providing incentives, reducing regulations and encouraging the importation of goods. Numerous formal and informal barriers still exist. 5 / 8
Investment incentives Many kinds of incentives are available specifically to foreign investors, including tax incentives, financial incentives and government loan guarantees. Foreign investors can obtain government loan guarantees of up to 95 percent of the loan amount, provided they use the loans to acquire buildings and equipment or as working capital. Foreign investors should contact the Ministry of Finance. 6 / 8
Conclusion In many ways Japanese market is unique, particularly due to differences in culture, taste and habits. Foreign investors have to identify and cross the numerous formal and informal barriers that still exist, to achieve success in Japan. Foreign investors may take advantage of the incentives and government loan guarantees. 7 / 8
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