Advanced Drawing & Illustration This class is open to Juniors & Seniors who have successfully completed Drawing 1 and to Sophomores with instructor approval. A materials fee is required.
Working from life, students review pencil shading & formally learn oil and chalk pastel techniques. Above: Oil Pastels Left: Chalk Pastels
Two Point Perspective is explored.
Students fine tune the skill of portraiture - Self Portraits – Students fine tune the skill of portraiture while using a grid to better understand proportions and locate features.
Wet Drawing Media mixed with Dry Drawing Media Pictured: Watercolors with Ink Other possibilities include oil pastels and chalk pastels used with water, watercolor pencils, water based markers with water and or watercolor.
Figure Drawing Students pose for each other while learning the tradition of gesture drawing. This is an important skill for those planning to study art beyond high school.
Continuous Contour Line Drawing After a review of contour drawing and practicing the continuous line method, students create a composition of related items using this technique.
Working from a Theme Response to the PTSA Reflections theme ‘WOW.’ Response to the ‘Water is Life.’ theme.
Students are challenged to break out of the box & develop a drawing that utilizes a non-traditional format. The next slides are some avenues students have taken. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Working within a Gridded or Storyboard Format
Drawing on a Non-Traditional Surface
Utilizing pop-outs, folding or stuffing in a drawing to create 3-dimensional works. Pop-out with accordion folding Stuffed fish with pop-out features
Folded Illustrated Books