13 NROs: 7 Public and 6 Bilateral NRO basic information 13 NROs: 7 Public and 6 Bilateral Public = reported via the IPP (International Phytosanitary Portal: www.ippc.int)
13 NROs: 7 Public and 6 Bilateral NRO basic information 13 NROs: 7 Public and 6 Bilateral Bilateral = reported in direct communication between countries (reporting on the IPP encouraged but optional)
NRO General and Specific Procedures Adopted by CPM-11 for contracting parties to follow Based on the Convention + recommendations & inputs of the National Reporting Obligations Advisory Group Include previous CPM decisions To be found: Appendix 9 to the Report from CPM-11 NRO Guide (Annex III) As separate tables on IPP
NRO General and Specific Procedures Use of electronic media Use of the IPP Pest reporting through RPPOs Priority to NRO while posting info Specific: Details on each NRO
NRO materials and statistics NRO Guide 13 factsheets on each NRO 4 leaflets (benefits, consequences, contact points, networking) Tables (lists on NROs) NROs UPDATE (educational newsletter) Statistics (summary for CPM-12 and IPP live statistics)
Contacts IPPC Secretariat Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations Viale delle Terme di Caracalla, 00153 Rome, Italy Tel.: +39-0657054812 Email: IPPC@fao.org Dorota Buzon, NRO Programme Officer: dorota.buzon@fao.org Paola Sentinelli, IPPC Knowledge Manager: paola.sentinelli@fao.org Websites: www.fao.org www.ippc.org www.phytosanitary.info