Welcome to 2Z Please check the tables for helpful handouts. Please sign the attendance sheet. Please sign permission slips and put in envelope with $5 for The Symphony. Please write me a note if you have not received any emails from me. Email:lindseyzoellner@claytonschools.net Phone: 314-854-6233
Welcome to Curriculum Night Ms. Zoellner’s Second Grade Class 2017-2018 Glenridge Elementary
Your Child’s Teacher I’m currently pursuing a Master of Arts in Early Childhood Teaching at Webster University. I have a Masters of Education in Curriculum and Instruction from the University of Missouri, Columbia 2011. I also have a B.A. in Elementary Education from the University of Missouri, Columbia 2010. I lived and worked in Dalian, China for a year (2015-2016) at an American school. I took college classes online while living there that focused on teaching English Language Learners. It is my 5th year working at Glenridge (4 years in 1st, and my first year in 2nd). I have also taught 1st grade in a St. Louis Public school the year before I got hired at Clayton. I’m the middle daughter of three girls. My older sister is a social worker, and her and her husband live in Ireland. My younger sister just graduated with her Masters in Counseling. I have a lot of hobbies and interests that include traveling, volunteering, dancing, yoga, rock climbing, weight lifting, running, playing the ukulele, hiking, and many more!
Important Routines Healthy Snacks/Water (PEANUT and TREE NUT FREE) Homework Procedures Take Home Folders (green folders in backpacks) Class Schedule Curriculum Websites
Thank You Thank you for coming tonight! I look forward to working together! If you’re interested in volunteering there are forms on the table. If you have any questions write them on a post-it and I’ll answer questions in a group email.
Before You Leave… Check out our ‘Favorite Part of Me’ and your child’s star goal in the hallway. Find your child’s table spot and check out what they left you! Write your child a quick note on a post-it and leave it on his or her desk!