Alaska Antimicrobial Stewardship Collaborative September 19, 2014 Department of Health and Social Services DIVISION OF PUBLIC HEALTH Section of Epidemiology
Agenda Establish ground rules Intro to A2SC Collaborative Concept—Review of current environment, outline of partnership, goals, timeline 11:40 Survey Tool overview--Thaddus Wilkerson, PharmD, ANMC 11:50 Facilitated round table discussion--your participation is critical 12:25 Next Steps 12:30 Adjourn
Ground Rules and Orientation One representative from each participating acute and LTC facility All respectful comments/suggestions/questions are welcome Ways to communicate Raise your hand Chat in the chat box Speak out Downloads and links on platform available to all Webinar will be recorded and accessible to all participants
A2SC Alaska Antimicrobial Stewardship Collaborative New and GROWING Partnership Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium State of Alaska—Section of Epidemiology Mountain Pacific Quality Improvement Network Alaska State Hospital and Nursing Home Association PeaceHealth Ketchikan Medical Center And…hopefully growing to include all acute care and long term care facilities throughout the state of Alaska Perhaps to include other community entities in the future
Announced Sept 18, 2014
Why now? Antibiotic Resistance(AR) Responsible for over 2 million illnesses annually Responsible for over 23,000 deaths annually
ASTHO Survey Completed by HAI Coordinators in 36 states Stewardship defined as "efforts to improve antimicrobial prescribing and use in any setting." 1) what activities and policies the health agencies are using to promote antimicrobial stewardship 2)what incentives and tools the health agencies need 3) promising practices to share with other states and territories
…and the Survey Says! 50% of states collect surveillance data related to antimicrobial resistance only 12% receive funding for this activity 25 states reported conducting Antimicrobial stewardship activities 5 states have developed and implemented policies on stewardship 11 states are considering policies 18 states have advisory committees members include health departments, physicians, infection preventionists, pharmacists, laboratorians, hospital associations, and others Two states have a formal plan to address resistance
Joint Commission and State Surveys Hospitals and LTC are being cited for lack of Antimicrobial Stewardship Activities
Where there is a will there is a way! Antibiotic Resistance(AR) Responsible for over 2 million illnesses annually Responsible for over 23,000 deaths annually
A2SC Purpose To provide a platform for peer learning, education, and problem solving to develop comprehensive antimicrobial stewardship programs at the facility level and to assist in the development of a statewide antimicrobial stewardship plan.
A2SC Tentative Timeline Survey distribution early October Standing, monthly A2SC webinars—education, peer-to-peer learning, problem solving Spring 2015 A2SC Conference Re-survey at 6 months to measure progress
Establishing Alaska’s Baseline Thaddus Wilkerson, PharmD, ANMC Introduction Review of survey that will be critical in establishing baseline knowledge, activity and interest in antimicrobial stewardship
Roundtable Discussion Your report-out will help identify gaps and challenges in the development of antimicrobial stewardship programs at the facility level that will guide future A2SC activities
Next Steps? Incorporate roundtable discussion into A2SC goals and activities Finalize survey and distribute in October Develop monthly webinar calendar based on discussion and survey results and distribute Begin planning Spring Conference
Thank you for all you do!