PROFILE OF MOTORCYCLE ACCIDENTS IN KISII LEVEL 5 HOSPITAL Dr. Bahaty Riogi Medical officer Dr. Cheruiyot R Medical officer Dr. Odhiambo K. Consultant surgeon
introduction Motorcycles have become a popular means of transport due to ease in manoeuvre , use less fuel, and have shorter transit and acceleration time. There’s an upsurge in motorcycle accidents in Kenya in general. June 2008 various taxes on motorcycles were waived. Increase number of motorcycle on Kisii roads.
budget “ as a result of high oil prices, and rising cost of transport, most wananchi in the rural areas have now resorted to using motorcycles. This has made it possible for our boda boda operators to graduate to faster and comfortable means. Therefore, I propose to zero-rate VAT on motorcycles with engine capacity of up to 250 cc “
Means to all
Terrain, population, narrow roads
Rationale questions to answer Has there been a change in proportion of motorcycle accidents since the zero rating on motorcycle taxes? To what extent has the duration of hospital stay been affected? What are the commonest injuries? Has there been an impact on the severity of injuries?
Methodology Retrospective analysis. Study period 1st July 2007-31st June 2009
PROPORTION OF ALL ACCIDENTS motorcycles 17% in year 1 and 39% in year 2
Monthly distribution
Type of injuries
Average hospital stay 4.01 days for motorcycle(1-23 days) 4.27 days for motor vehicle(1-40days)
mortality Mortality due to motorcycle accidents was 3.7%
DISCUSSION There’s an increase in motorcycle accidents after zero rating on motorcycle.
Sex distribution Motorcycle accidents were more common in males than females1,2,3. 1.Aniekan et al.Pattern of motorcycle accident –associated injury in Port Harcourt 2.Kigera J Patters of Injuries after Road Traffic Crashes Involving Bodadas
Average age for motorcycle accidents is 29 years with the age group 21-30 years2,3. 3. Mwachiro et al, Bajaj study 2009
Most accidents occur in December, March and February.
Head injury contributed to a major proportion. Injury patters were soft injury the most common following motorcycle injuries4. Lower limb fractures were common with the tibia being vulnerable to open fracures5. Head injury contributed to a major proportion. Dental injury was high too. 4. Michel F et al.crush characteristics and pattern of injury among hospitalized motorized 2 wheel users in India 5. EEVC report on motorcycle safety, Brussels 10 Baker et al Injury fact book 2nd ed.
Un helmeted
Discussion Mean duration of hospital stay is 10-12 days2,6 6. Acilioqlu et al.Injuries associated with motorcycle accidents
Surgical intervention is required following motorcycle accidents 7. The management modes were conservative(42.7%)- fluids, analgesics, antibiotics, TT etc. ORIF was very low at 1.2% 7. Hurt et al motorcycle accident cause factors and identification oc countermeasures.traffic safety measure
Discussion Mortality occurred in patients with head, chest and severe abdominal injuries9 66.7% head injury 33.3% chest injury 8. Tehran et al Pattern of related motorcycle accidents.
recommendations Health workers Prospective analysis. Implants use Traffic & law enforcement Training on safety measures to decrease accidents. Helmets Certified driver training and licencing Avoid overloading.
conclusion Zero rating of taxes on motorcycle has led to an increase in motorcycles on our roads and subsequently an increase in motorcycle related injuries. Lower limb fractures and head injury are common after motorcycle injury and protective clothing and carrying of one pillion passenger may reduce this.
Thank you