Why was Israel created as a Jewish state in 1948? The Documents: Document A: The First Covenant Document B: The Israeli Declaration of Independence Document C: The Jewish State Document D: A View of the Holocaust: the Enemy Document E: The Balfour Declaration Document F: 1947 UN Partition Plan (Resolution 181)
Why was Israel created as a Jewish state in 1948? Background Essay
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Why was Israel created as a Jewish state in 1948? Background Essay Summary Chart
Summarize each section in ONE complete sentence. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Summarize each section in ONE complete sentence.
1 Why was Israel created as a Jewish state in 1948? 2 Both the Jewish Israelis and Arab Palestinians both claimed the land of Palestine. 3 The Jews were forced into Diaspora, out of Palestine and into Europe and Asia. 4 Zionism = European Jews wanting to move Jews back to Palestine. Anti-Semitism is discrimination against Jewish people. 5 Jews immigrate back to Palestine. Arabs are worried because their land is being taken away. 6 Ottoman Empire loses WW1. Jews allied with the British; since the British won, the Jews got to return to the land of Palestine. 7 Britain controlled Palestine, which became a problem when the Holocaust started in Europe. 8 The Partition Plan, meant to keep it peaceful, starts conflict. 9 Because Palestinians and Jews saw the land as their own, the first Arab-Israeli War broke out in 1948. 10 Israelis and Palestinians still fight over the land, even terrorizing each other. 11
(ex. Babylonians, Mongols, Romans) Jewish Diaspora the forced scattering of Jewish people from their homeland by foreign invaders (ex. Babylonians, Mongols, Romans)
Diaspora Russia Europe Jewish North Africa “Israel” “Promised Land “Canaan” “Palestine” North Africa
Why was Israel created as a Jewish state in 1948? Overview: Of the modern world conflicts, few, if any, have lasted as long as the fight between the Palestinians and Israelis. This conflict has its origins in the creation of Israel as a Jewish state in 1948. Since Israel’s formation, the Jewish Israelis and Arab Muslim Palestinians have fought over who should control the country. The focus of this DBQ is on why such a controversial Jewish state was allowed to form in the first place. Israelis (Jewish) Palestinians (Muslim & Arab)
Why was Israel created as a Jewish state in 1948? Pre-Bucketing What kind of answer do you need to give to the DBQ question? agree OR disagree yes OR no reasons for something Why was Israel created as a Jewish state in 1948?
Pre-Bucketing Reason 1 Reason 2 Reason 3 If you are looking for reasons why Israel was created, how could you label each bucket? Reason 1 Reason 2 Reason 3
Pre-Bucketing Reason 1 Reason 2 Reason 3 Using any clues from the DBQ question and the document titles on the cover page, can you think of possible analytical categories to label the buckets? Reason 1 Reason 2 Reason 3
Why was Israel created as a Jewish state in 1948? The Documents: Document A: The First Covenant Document B: The Israeli Declaration of Independence Document C: The Jewish State Document D: A View of the Holocaust: the Enemy Document E: The Balfour Declaration Document F: 1947 UN Partition Plan (Resolution 181)
Pre-Bucketing What are the buckets?
International support Pre-Bucketing What are the buckets? International support Jewish persecution Biblical support