II. Climate Regions A. Factors Affecting Climate


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Presentation transcript:

II. Climate Regions A. Factors Affecting Climate 1. Africa south of the Sahara lies mainly in the Tropics. a) Direct rays of the sun year-round. b) Elevated lands are much cooler. 2. Africa south of the Sahara has wet, dry, and temperate climate zones. a) The rain forests of West and Central Africa receives 80 in. of rain annually. b) By contrast, the Namib Desert in Southern Africa often gets less than 10 in. of rain annually. c) Some parts of Africa south of the Sahara have long droughts, or periods of time when there is no rainfall at all.

II. Climate Regions B. Tropical Wet Climate 1. A tropical wet climate can be found along the Equator in Central Africa and West Africa. a) Hot temperatures and plentiful rainfall in this zone support the growth of rain forests. b) Rain forests are dense stands of trees and other plants that receive high amounts of precipitation each year. 2. In a rain forest, vegetation grows at several different levels. a) Forest floor = mosses, ferns, and shrubs.

II. Climate Regions b) 60ft = palms and other trees. c) The tops of the highest trees form an umbrella-like covering called the canopy. d) canopy = tropical flowers, fruits, monkeys, parrots, snakes, and insects. 3. Rain forests support an enormous variety of plant and animal life. a) The selling of wood and the clearing of forests for farming has led to deforestation, or the widespread clearing of forestland. 4. To preserve rain forests some African countries are encouraging ecotourism or touring a place without causing harm to the environment.

II. Climate Regions C. Tropical Dry Climate 1. Farther from the Equator, rain forests give way to great stretches of tropical savanna, or grasslands with scattered woods. a) Temperatures remain hot, but less rainfall than the rain forests. 2. Savanna grasslands are home to some of Africa’s most recognizable animals, including elephants, lions, rhinoceroses, and giraffes a) Some African countries have set aside national parks to protect these animals.

II. Climate Regions D. Steppe E. Deserts 1. Continuing farther from the Equator, rainfall becomes more scarce, and savannas merge into drier steppes. a) Vegetation includes different varieties of trees, thick shrubs, and grasses. 2. Steppe areas are threatened by desertification, the process that turns fertile land into land that is too dry to support life. a) Droughts and over herding lead to desertification. E. Deserts

II. Climate Regions 1. In very dry areas of Africa, deserts dominate the landscape. a) The largest are the Sahara in the north and the Kalahari and the Namib in the south. 2. The Sahara has high temperatures and little rain. a) barren rock and stony plains covered by rocky gravel. b) Very little vegetation can live outside the highlands and oases. 3. The Kalahari in Southern Africa is covered by vast stretches of sand. a) High temperatures and little rainfall.

II. Climate Regions F. Moderate Climate Regions b) Deep rooted trees. 4. The Namib, along the southwestern coast, is made up of rocks and dunes. a) Arid, but temperatures are cooler because of breezes from the oceans. b) Fog rolls in from the ocean to provide moisture to succulents which are plants such as cacti with thick, fleshy leaves that can conserve moisture. F. Moderate Climate Regions 1. Moderate climates are found in coastal Southern Africa and the highlands of East Africa.

II. Climate Regions a) Comfortable temperatures and enough rainfall for farming. 2. Southeastern Africa has a humid subtropical climate of hot, wet summers and mild, wet winters. 3. Southwestern Africa has a Mediterranean climate. a) Winters are mild and wet, summers are warm and dry. b) Because these areas are south of the equator, the seasons are opposite of the United States. 4. Highland climates are found in areas of higher elevation in East Africa. a) Snow can be found in high elevation and vegetation is abundant at lower elevations.