A–E. The resisted isometric component of STT testing for the elbow A–E. The resisted isometric component of STT testing for the elbow. Resisted flexion incriminates the biceps or brachialis. Pain on resistive extension suggests a triceps lesion. Resisted pronation will incriminate the pronator teres or is suggestive of golfer's elbow. Resisted supination will produce pain along with elbow flexion if the biceps is involved. Pain on resisted wrist flexion is indicative of golfer's elbow. Pain on resisted wrist extension is indicative of tennis elbow. A. Resisted elbow flexion. B. Resisted elbow extension. C. Resisted pronation/supination. D. Resisted wrist flexion. E. Resisted wrist extension. Source: The Cyriax Approach, Orthopaedic Manual Physical Therapy: From Art to Evidence Citation: Wise CH. Orthopaedic Manual Physical Therapy: From Art to Evidence; 2015 Available at: http://fadavispt.mhmedical.com/DownloadImage.aspx?image=/data/books/2154/orthothera_ch5_f013-1.png&sec=164766857&BookID=2154&ChapterSecID=164766787&imagename= Accessed: November 14, 2017 Copyright © 2017 McGraw-Hill Education. All rights reserved