The Peters Projection Map By Kristian Sison
The Truth The truth is that the Mercator’s Map is Wrong and the Peters’ Map is right. The next couple of slides has some of the evidence...
Evidence of Africa and Greenland Africa looks about the same size as Greenland but actually Africa is 14 times larger than Greenland! Other information
Evidence of South America and Europe Europe looks considerably larger than South America but South America is really double the size of Europe.
Evidence of Alaska and Mexico On the Mercator's Map Alaska appears 3 times larger than Mexico but in reality Mexico is larger by point million square miles.
Evidence of Germany Germany appears in the middle of the map but it is in the Northern part of the Earth.
Keep in mind that the map was made in the 1569’s by a German Cartographer named Gerardus Marcator without checking the map.
The Peters’ Map The Peters’ Map countries look more longer.
The Mercator’s Map
A very big thank you to all of the people who have viewed one of my Thank you very much A very big thank you to all of the people who have viewed one of my E~Tasc project. By Kristian Sison.