Executive Director, SISO Conference/Workshop Activities Upcoming Events SISO Sponsors 2008 Spring SIW 13 - 18 April 2008 Westin Hotel Providence, RI An Independent Standards Development Organization serving the International M&S Community Collocated with BRIMS Behavior Representation In Modeling & Simulation SISO : the organization dedicated to the promotion of modeling and simulation interoperability & reuse for the benefit of diverse M&S communities, including developers, procurers, and users world-wide. BRIMS sponsors Mission: To provide an open forum that promotes the interoperability and reuse of models and simulations through the exchange of ideas, the examination of technologies, and the development of standards. International Simulation Multi-Conference SG/ SSG CFs discuss M&S Community needs & ideas Excom, CC, SAC form SGs & SSGs to formally study need and propose solutions SAC Forms PDGs to develop standard products SG/SSG: Study Group/Standing Study Group 16-19 June 2008 Edinburgh, Scotland 2008 Fall SIW 14 – 19 September 2008 Florida Hotel Orlando, Florida SISO Liaisons IEEE ISO ITEA SCS AFCEA SimSummit INCITS ACM SIGSIM NATO NMSG Australian SSG Duncan C. Miller, Sc.D. Executive Director, SISO Conference/Workshop Activities SISO P.O. Box 781238 Orlando, Florida 32826-0544 Phone: (407) 882-1348 FAX: (407) 658-5059
Products and Services SISO Standards SISO-STD-001.1: Real Time Platform Reference FOM SISO-STD-001: Guidance, Rationale & Interoperability Modalities for the RPR FOM (GRIM 1.0) SISO-STD-002: Link 16 Simulation SISO-STD-003: Base Object Model (BOM) Template Specification SISO-STD-003.1: Guide for BOM Use and Implementation SISO-STD-004: Dynamic Link Compatible (DLC) HLA API Standard for the HLA Interface Specification Version 1.3 SISO-STD-004.1: Dynamic Link Compatible (DLC) HLA API Standard for the HLA Interface Specification (IEEE 1516.1 Version) (Includes a zip file of headers) In progress: multiple efforts to develop new standards: Provided free to the International M&S Community Product Development Groups Coalition Battle Management Language (C-BML) Core Manufacturing Simulation Data (CMSD) COTS Simulation Package Interoperability (CSPI) Distributed Interactive Simulation (DIS) Distributed Simulation Engineering & Execution Process (DSEEP) Generic Methodology for VV&A for the M&S Domain (GM-V&V) High Level Architecture (HLA) Evolved Link 11 A/B Simulation Military Scenario Definition Language (MSDL) Real-time Platform Reference (RPR) FOM Simulation Reference Markup Language (SRML) VV&A Overlay to FEDEP Standards Guidelines Best Practices Reference Products (Technical & Research reports) Papers and Presentations Standards Activities SISO Issues & Capabilities Communities of Practice Ontologies Taxonomies Semantic Interoperability Substantive Interoperability Intellectual Property Protection Cultural Adjustment and Buy-in Architectures/Frameworks Databases Networks Interfaces Study Groups Discrete-Event System Specification (DEVS) Mode 5/S IFF Shareable Content Object Reference Model (SCORM) Simulation Interface Transfer of Control (TC) LVC Architecture Interoperability (LVC) Message-Passing for Simulation-based Collaborative Engineering (MSG-SIM) Distributed Debrief Control Protocol (DDCP) Open Source Initiative for Parallel and Distributed Modeling and Simulation (OSI-PDMS) Target Data Transfer Protocol (TDTP) SISO Sponsored Standards IEEE 1278 series: Distributed Interactive Simulation (DIS) IEEE 1516 series: High Level Architecture (HLA) IEEE 1516.4: Recommended Practice for Verification, Validation & Accreditation of a Federate ISO 18025-2005: Environmental Data Coding System (EDCS) ISO 18026-2005: Spatial Reference Model (SRM) Information Excom: Richard J. Severinghaus, CMSP rseverin@d-a-s.com SAC: Dr. Katherine L. Morse, katherine.l.morse@saic.com Conf Comm: Ralph Weber, ralph.weber@dynetics.com Exec Director: Dr. Duncan Miller, dmiller@sisostds.org Standing Study Groups Australian between SISO & Simulation Industry Association of Australia (SIAA) Common Image Generator Interface (CIGI) Economics of M&S February 2008