Century Link Customer Satisfaction Vinh Nguyen, Nasrin Doudman, Mark Hukill, Kathleen Murphy
CENTURY LINK CUSTOMER SATISFACTION We are very excited to have you on our Century Link team and want you to be proud to help people “Make every connection a strong one”. WELCOME TO OUR TRAINING SEMINAR!
Day 1: What’s the Plan? Icebreaker Customer Turnoffs Break Roleplay Break Customer Feedback Summarize End of Day 1
VALUE TURNOFFS Poor guarantee or failure to back up products Quality not as good as expected Price too high for value received Overly complicated or difficult-to-use products
SYSTEMS TURNOFFS Slow service or help not available Business place dirty, mess, or cluttered Low selection or poor availability of product Inconvenient location, layout, parking, or access
PEOPLE TURNOFFS Lack of courtesy, friendliness, or attention Employees who lack knowledge or are not helpful Sloppy appearance, poor grooming, or annoying mannerisms Distracting clothing, piercing, or tattoos
CREATE LOYAL CUSTOMERS Zone of Indifference Value Service Recovery Customer Loyalty Grows When Service is Your Core Business Earn Your Customer’s Loyalty with Three Steps
CUSTOMER FEEDBACK Welcome it, take note of it, take steps to address the issue Feedback as a form of coaching Negative comments show us what we need to change. Help us improve our business.
BE COMMITTED TO FEEDBACK Where we are: Reluctant-Complaint Where we should be headed: Active Listening & Metric Conscious Why should we care about feedback?
RECEIVING FEEDBACK Make it easy for people to voice complaints Act on input quickly and efficiently Others ways to get feedback Open ended questions Focus Groups Explorer Groups Customer Surveys Mystery Shoppers
End of Our First Day!!!! What did we learn today?
Day 2 Overview How to properly use telephone for good customer service Learn about particular areas of change that have significant impact on customer service One-to-one customer service
Use the telephone correctly for Good Service Answer with Professionalism Thank People for Calling Smile Handle the Upset Caller with Tact and Skill Speak Clearly and Distinctly Keep Callers on Track When Making Outgoing Calls Ask, “Is This a Convenient Time to Talk?” Take Messages Cheerfully and Accurately Use the Hold Button and Call Transfer Correctly Don’t Let the Telephone Interrupt and important Live Conversation
Three particular areas of change within customer service Personalization Technology Globalization
Personalization Customers do not like being treated like a demographic category Customers demand individually specified products or services Only way to thrive as a business is to adapt to these customer demands
Technology Change in marketplace is driven by technology A very useful tool to help us adjust to the customer demands Has reshaped expectations of customers Customers expect our website to be helpful and user friendly.
Globalization Change Adjusting demographics to fit proper generation and culture With a new generation of consumers, we must adapt to their needs and wants We must be aware of the variety of cultures and expectations
One-to-one customer service Getting to know the customers wants and interests by observing customer Builds relationships that allow us to earn larger share of customers business The more we know about message receiver, the better we can personalize a message to their interests.
End of Training What did we learn?
Thank You for Coming!!!