Secretariat 12 to 16 February 2017 Abu Dhabi, UAE


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Presentation transcript:

Secretariat 12 to 16 February 2017 Abu Dhabi, UAE RA II-16 Agenda Item 4.3(2) Doc 4.3(2) and Inf 4.3(2) WMO Information System (WIS) Secretariat 12 to 16 February 2017 Abu Dhabi, UAE

Map of centres See: for more detail 6+1 GISCs 28 DCPCs 38 NCs RA II is an extensive region 38 RA II Members have registered their NMHS as a National Centre in WIS. It has 28 DCPCs, 23 already registered in the Manual on WIS as approved to participate in WIS It is supported by 6 GISCs in the region plus Moscow which is located in RA VI.

WIS Implementation and knowledge RA II Global These results are included in Inf4.3(2) based on the 2016 survey of National WIS Focal Points 23 responses were received from RA II They show that RA II is ahead of the global average in WIS knowledge and in the level of WIS implementation Further details show that although RA II has advanced in migration to TDCF, many countries still use TAC in their operations. RA II

Inf 4.3(2) – WIS status WIS is operational RA II has strong and committed working group on WIS World leaders and contributors to developing and refining WIS RA II WIS Implementation Plan Facilitating national implementation and benefits from WIS is a Regional responsibility WIS competencies are clearly defined in the WIS Manual and Guide So we can see that WIS is operational RA II has a strong and committed team working on WIS They are in fact, world leaders and contributors to the development and refining of WIS. RA II has a solid regional implementation plan for WIS Recognizing that national implementation of WIS has to be a regional responsibility RA II has adopted the WIS competencies which are clearly defined in the WIS manual and guide.

Excellent support and training has been offered by many GISCs RA II serviced by 7 GISCs Excellent support and training has been offered by many GISCs Knowledge of WIS in RA II is better than global average, TDCF migration is well advanced, However, still too many Members Don’t know enough about WIS Don’t have at least some WIS functionality in place Still using TAC You need WIS in order to forward other priority areas (WIGOS, GFCS, MHEWS, etc) As noted, RA II has 7 GISC Together they have been providing excellent support and training resulting in the statistics we saw. However, too many RA II Members still do not know enough about WIS and do not have at least some WIS functionality in place. We also noted that some are still relying on Traditional Alphanumeric Code. Simple fact is, that you need WIS in order to forward other priority areas such as WIGOS, GFCS, MHES and so on.

Doc 4.3(2) One Decision Why How Complete WIS implementation for all Members ASAP. Why WIS is a necessary enabler for all WMO priority activities How Identify and commit to training Engage your National WIS focal point in training and in the development of WIS (WIS Part C) Focus on competencies, WIS knowledge and equip with skills to train others Support the work of the RA II Expert Group on WIS Note the GISCs and RTCs training schedule and plan for participation of the right people. Coming to Document 4.3(2) on WIS, we have one decision and that is to Complete WIS implementation for all Members ASAP Why, WIS is an enabler for all WMO priority areas How, We need to identify and commit to training, this includes engaging your national WIS focal point in training and the development of WIS including the new WIS Part C relating to information management across all WMO programmes WiS has clearly defined competencies, some are generic ICT and readily available at many universities or even online. Others are specific to WMO and must be included in our Regional Training Centres activities. PRs need to support the work of the RA II Expert Group on WIS, taking into consideration the training schedules and plans provided by GISCs and RTCs. You need to make sure that the right people are trained then support them in training the rest of your staff at home.

Updates to Draft Decision 4.3(2)/1 (RA II-16) Insert GISC Jeddah into recognizing as follows: Recognizing the initiatives of GISCs Beijing, Jeddah, Seoul, Tehran and Tokyo in conducting training on WIS for RA II Members including on using GISC interfaces, Update Table in Annex to Decision as described on following pages. We have some changes to the draft decision as follows: Adjust this to fit in with the latest information but be prepared to delete the reference to endorses the trianing program. This will make a very strong signal to Members of RA II about planning training.

Review Table on Training Endorses the initial training programme as listed in the Annex to this decision; Proposed WIS training activities for 2017 to 2020 Title Proposed Quarter and Year Centre(s) providing Training Targeted WIS competencie s Targeted participants and expected pre-existing capabilities Supported languages Justification and expected outcome Required sponsorship Information and Communication Technologies for Meteorological Services Q4/Every Year RTC Korea GISC Seoul 3 ,4 Junior or mid-level Meteorologists or Meteorological Technicians engaged in ICT sector General knowledge of ICT area En. Developing WIS knowledge and helping WIS implementation in national level   *WIS training course(1-2day) is included as a part of ‘ICT for meteorological services’ curriculum. Republic of Korea will fund whole expenses for all trainees. Managing Discovery Metadata Q3/2019 GISC Moscow 4, Training Fundament als WIS trainers from Centres in GISC Moscow area of responsibility (10 country) Participants will be expected to have a broad knowledge of information processes in their organization. Ru GISC Moscow infrastructure is available but centres need to know how to use and benefit from this interface. Participants will be trained in training techniques necessary to train other staff in their centre. The course will have some pre-course activities and follow up assessment The country will provide trainers, equipment, teaching aids, training venue. Additional funds will be needed for one trainee from each country for travel, accommodation and meals.

Review Table on Training (2) Title Proposed Quarter and Year Centre(s) providing Training Targeted WIS competencies Targeted participants and expected pre-existing capabilities Supported languages Justification and expected outcome Required sponsorship Trainings on using WIS and CMACast integrated system 2017/2018 /2019/2020 GISC Beijing 3, 4; Manage and use CMACast integrated system. Users of CMACast systems En During 2017-2020, CMA will send experts to 3-5 countries each year to provide on-site trainings on using the services of GISC Beijing , as well as on maintenance and using CMACast integrated system. CMA will fund the on-site trainings. International Training Course on Satellite Applications, with a focus on FY-4 Q2/2018   GISC Beijing and CMA DCPCs Members of RA II and V Help CMACast users to use FY-4 satellite products, and discuss how to use FY4 satellite products better to improve the ability of weather forecasting. Training workshop on Managing Data Flow and Discovery Metadata (tentative) Q3/2018 RTC China, 3,4 WIS trainers from Centres within GISC Beijing’s area of responsibility GISC Beijing infrastructure is available but centres need to know how to use and benefit from this interface. Participants will be trained in training techniques necessary to train other staff in their centre.

Review Table on Training (3) Title Proposed Quarter and Year Centre(s) providing Training Targeted WIS competencies Targeted participants and expected pre-existing capabilities Supported languages Justification and expected outcome Required sponsorship 5th WIS Workshop 6th WIS Workshop Q4/2018 Q4/2020 GISC Tokyo 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Trainees from countries in GISC Tokyo AoR. Participants will be expected to have a broad knowledge of information processes in their organization. En GISC Tokyo’s infrastructure is available but centres need to know how to use and benefit from this interface. Participants will be able to improve their service level to provide its users with stable data provision; also participants will be trained in training techniques necessary to train other staff in their centre. Japan will fund the training, including two trainees from each country and guest lecturers. Onsite training and technical support Every year (3-4 countries in a year) Experts and operation staffs of the centre in GISC Tokyo AoR. Participants will be expected to have a knowledge of system and network  configuratio n Each country has different level of skill and knowledge, and faces different challenges.  This will help them with tailored technical support. Japan will fund the training and JMA will send experts to each country.

Thank you Merci