Mrs. Williams Believes Worldview Believe s… If not you, who? God created her for a purpose Everyone deserves opportunities and options In compassion and grace Everyone is different and different is good Equality isn’t the same as equity Doing the right thing is better than doing the required thing If not you, who? Believe s…
Health/Fitness This year: Five years: Ten years: Thi s yea r:
Finance/Business/Career This year: Five years: Ten years: Thi s yea r:
Travel/Passion This year: Five years: Ten years: Thi s yea r:
Family/Relationships This year: Five years: Ten years: Thi s yea r:
Writing I want to look back on my life and think, “I did it.” More specifically, I don’t want to look back on my life and think, “why didn’t I…?”. I want my children to be happy and have opportunities and options. I don’t want them to feel trapped. I want the same for my husband and myself. I want us to do work that we enjoy and that is fulfilling. I want to read books, look at people in the face when I talk to them, have intelligent conversations and spend time with people I love and enjoy. I want to be healthy, feel good, and be a good friend, mom, wife, and grandma (someday!). If I have done these things I will feel like I have been a success. This is going to be a big year for me. In December I’ll graduate from graduate school. I’ll actually finish my coursework in November and I’m excited to get some freetime back! I have learned so much about reading, helping people read and building reading into our learning experiences, I can’t wait to see how that helps my career grow and change. I’ve been a runner for a long time. I used to do marathons and triathlons. I got injured a few years ago, but I’m on my way back. I’m hoping to do another triathlon before the school year is over. I’ve even started lifting weights to make myself stronger so that I can keep from getting injured. Over the years I want to keep treating my body well and I hope that it stays healthy and strong. A strong body and a strong mind are important as you get older. My body is my friend and I want to treat it right. Someday I would like to get another degree in nutrition and use it to coach people on ways to be healthy. My husband is in college right now. He is hoping to start his PhD in two years. We have a dream of moving out of the country while he works on his degree. Right now we’re thinking about Abu Dhabi. It would be so great to show my children how life is in another part of the world. Plus that would help us travel and see more places. We’re a family that really enjoys spending time together, I know that we’ll stay close even as they get older. It’s hard to believe that in ten years one of my dauhgters will be graduating from college and the other will be a junior! How is that even possible? Speaking of family, we have always dreamt of having a little boy. God gave us the dream of adoption when we were first married. When our second daughter was born we were confident that she was a middle child. It’s been ten years and things haven’t come together yet, but we aren’t closing the door on that dream, it’s still there. There is a little boy in our hearts, It will be amazing to see how God works it out. As a family it’s important to us to spend time with God. We do Bible study together in order to hear His voice. We are also looking for a new church where we can learn more about our relationship with Him.