Father of history, or Father of Lies? Herodotus Father of history, or Father of Lies?
Life Overview Born in 484 BCE in Halicarnassus Small Greek city on the coast of Asia Minor Wealthy (aristocrats?) Travelled around extensively, moving to Athens in 450 BCE There befriended Sophocles and Pericles (His travels influenced his writings) Later moved to Thurii in southern Italy Lived here until his death in ~425 BCE
Herodotus’s Work Primarily known for “Histories” (440 BCE) 9 book series presenting a running history of the “world” from ~560 BCE onwards Translated from Greek word meaning “inquiries” or “research” Considered the inaugural work of history in Western literature. First known to recount the Persian attack on Greece in 480 Later expanded to global history and the entire Greek world Known by critics as “father of lies” “This is the showing-forth of the inquiry of Herodotus of Halicarnassus, so that neither what has come to be from man in time might become faded, nor that great and wondrous deeds, those shown forth by Greeks and those by barbarians, might be without their glory; and together with all this, also through what cause they warred with each other.” - Herodotus
Nile Ponders the origins of the Nile Notes the shells in the hills and the diversity of the soil in the region Also recognizes the Egyptians accounts of “rising land” How eventually, the floodplains will dry up and farming the area will become nearly impossible Why does the Nile flood? As aforementioned, he always tried to gain information from those he met during his travels, but they did not know why. He concludes three different possibilities (although the first two he thinks are improbable) 1.) The Etesian winds blow the water, not allowing it to flow into the Ocean, filling the river 2.) The Nile flows into the ocean which flows all around Earth 3.) Snow melts and flows into the river
Group Activity Herodotus is referred to by many critics as “The Father of Lies” This is because many believe his accounts are biased as a result of his upbringing, desire to make his stories ‘exciting’, and inaccurate accounts from his travels. Step into Herodotus’s shoes, and discuss these two questions. 1.) If you were to write a history of your home country and all its events since your birth, how would it be biased based on your upbringing? 2.) When you tell a story to your friends, do you find that you often “embellish” the truth to make the story more engaging?
Bibliography “Herodotus.” Ancient History Encyclopedia, www.ancient.eu/herodotus/. “Herodotus.” Encyclopedia of World Biography, Encyclopedia.com, www.encyclopedia.com/people/history/historians-ancient- biographies/herodotus. The Internet Classics Archive | The History of Herodotus by Herodotus, classics.mit.edu/Herodotus/history.html.