The length of the river is 3,530 km (until the construction of reservoirs — 3690 km) and catchment area — 1360 thousand km2. On the Volga there are four.


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Presentation transcript:

Volga presentation made by the pupil of 5 "a" class school №2 Romanov Maxim

The length of the river is 3,530 km (until the construction of reservoirs — 3690 km) and catchment area — 1360 thousand km2. On the Volga there are four city-millionaire (from the source to the mouth): Nizhny Novgorod, Kazan, Samara, Volgograd. In the period 30-80-ies of XX century on the Volga built eight hydroelectric power stations, which is part of the Volga-Kama cascade.

Volga originates in the Valday hills (at an altitude of 228 metres) and flows into the Caspian sea. The mouth of the river lies 28 meters below sea level. The total drop is 256 meters. Volga — the largest river in the world of internal drainage, that is not flowing into the oceans.

Assume that the first mention of the Volga river is found in the writings of the Greek historian Herodotus (V century BC), the story of the campaign of Persian king Darius I against the Scythians. Herodotus reports that Darius, in pursuit of the Scythians beyond the river Tanais (present-day. Don), settled on the river River SAR SAR trying to identify with the river, although Herodotus also reported that the UAR falls into the Meotida (sovr. The sea of Azov).

Not counting the short bridges in the upper reaches of the Volga river, the first permanent bridge across the river was the Alexander railway bridge at Syzran, commissioned in 1880. Prior to that, for ferrying cargo and crews used ships-ferries, and even earlier — the large flat-bottomed boats, called zavoznye. The longest bridge across the Volga, he is also the longest in Russia — the Presidential bridge in Ulyanovsk (5825 meters).

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