INTRODUCTION Machine centred. We are serving them. Difficult to use. Right now, Computers have required us to interact with them on their own terms and speak their language Solution is OXYGEN.
WHAT IS OXYGEN ?? Bringing abundant computation and communication, as pervasive and free as air, naturally into people's lives. Computation will be human-centered. freely available everywhere, like batteries and power sockets, or oxygen in the air we breathe. configurable generic devices, either handheld or embedded, will bring computation to us, irrespective of our location. We won't have to type, click, or learn new computer jargon. Instead, we'll communicate naturally, using speech and gestures that describe our intent
CHALLENGES... Pervasive— embedded— nomadic— adaptable— powerful, yet efficient— intentional— Eternal—
TECHNOLOGIES... Oxygen device technologies Oxygen network technologies H21- Hand held E21- Embedded Oxygen network technologies N21- Network Oxygen software technologies Oxygen perceptual technologies Vision Speech Oxygen user technologies Knowledge Access Automation Collaboration
DEVICE TECHNOLOGIES... H21 Or HANDY 21 anonymous devices that do not carry a large amount of permanent local state they configure themselves through software to be used in a wide range of environments for a wide variety of purposes. customize itself to the user's preferred configuration contain board-level antennas that enable them to couple with a wireless N21 network, embedded E21, or nearby H21s to form collaborative regions H21s can serve as cellular phones, beepers, radios, televisions, geographical positioning systems, cameras, or PDAs
DEVICE TECHNOLOGIES... E21 Environmental devices, together called an E21, provide a local-area computational and communication back-plane for an intelligent space. E21s are connected to nearby sensors, actuators, and appliances, suitably encapsulated in physical objects. communicate with each other and with nearby H21s through dynamically configured networks N21s. provide sufficient computational power throughout the environment to communicate with people using natural perceptual resources, such as speech and vision, to support Oxygen's user technologies wherever people may be, and to monitor and control their environment.
Devices used in E21 Antenna display projector camera printer microphones
NETWORK TECHNOLOGIES... N21 They configure and reconfigure themselves automatically Networks route heterogeneous traffic efficiently, N21s, connect dynamically changing configurations of self-identifying mobile and stationary devices. integrate different wireless, terrestrial, and satellite networks into one seamless internet Through algorithms, protocols, and middleware, they deal with Configuration of Collaborative regions Resource and location discovery Security Adaptation
NETWORK TECHNOGIES... Network Today Grid Span Chord Intentional Naming System (INS)
form an overlay network INS WORKING [service = camera] [building = NE43 [room = 510]] Intentional name Lookup image Resolver self-configuration Intentional name resolvers form an overlay network Late binding: integrate resolution and message routing
SOFTWARE TECHNOLOGIES... Software infrastructures MetaGlue CORE Click SUDS
PERVASIVE TECHNOLOGIES... SPEECH Humans communicate with computers, in much the same way they communicate with one another, using speech. without having to remember a URL, search through the Web for a pointer to a document, or use keyword search engines. provides a number of limited-domain interfaces, as well as mechanisms for users to navigate effortlessly from one domain to another The spoken language subsystem is an integral part of Oxygen's infrastructure, not just a set of applications or external interfaces Four components Speech recognition Language understanding Language generation Speech synthesis
Conversational system architecture Galaxy SUMMIT TINA dialog manager GENESIS ENVOICE
PERVASIVE TECHNOLOGIES... VISION say "show it to me there," turning their heads or pointing with their arms to indicate where. using facial expressions and gestures, without having to express everything in words. Computers recognize and classify features and actions They detect patterns and object interactions The visual processing system contains visual perception visual rendering Components Object recognition Activity monitoring and classification
USER TECHNOLOGIES... Oxygen user technologies include: Automation technologies: which offer natural, easy-to-use, and adaptive mechanisms for automating and tuning repetitive information and control tasks. Collaboration technologies which enable the formation of spontaneous collaborative regions that accommodate the needs of highly mobile people and computations. They also provide support for recording and archiving speech and video fragments from meetings. Knowledge access technologies which offer greatly improved access to information, according to the needs of people, applications, and software systems. They allow users to access their own knowledge bases
Other Applications Business applications Medical field Education
CONCLUSIONS... Project Oxygen is a project to build a human centered, pervasive computer. It is a $50 mn project sponsored by “oxygen alliance” which includes Acer Inc., Delta Electronics Inc., Hewlett-Packard Co., Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corp., Nokia Corp. and Philips Research, a unit of Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. Started in 1999, but not yet completed. Concept of N21 and INS are very difficult to be practical. Answers to many questions yet to be revealed!!!
REFERENCES... http://