October Vocabulary 2017
Petty (adj.) Not important When we divided the lunch bill, it seemed petty to argue over who would pay the extra five cents. Write a sentence of your own!
Venture (n) A risky or uncertain undertaking The business venture turned out to be a financial disaster. Write a sentence of your own!
Whim (n) A sudden idea to do something I’d planned to clean out my closet today, but on a whim I decided to go roller-skating. Write a sentence of your own!
Quizzical (adj.) Expressing doubt or questioning; puzzled Mom looked quizzical when she received a birthday card from someone whose name she didn’t recognize. Write a sentence of your own!
Moderate (adj.) Not too much or too little Moderate amounts of dark chocolate have health benefits, but don’t overdo it. Write a sentence of your own!
Fiasco (n.) A complete failure The pool party was a fiasco due to the lightning storm. Write a sentence of your own!
Gritty (adj.) Feeling like sand After the dentist drilled my tooth, I felt something gritty in my mouth. Write a sentence of your own!
Contemplate (v.) To think about for a long time. Jeremy took some time to contemplate the question before he answered it. Write a sentence of your own!
Diplomatic (adj.) Skillful at dealing with people. My teacher is so diplomatic at giving feedback that I never get my feelings hurt when she corrects me. Write a sentence of your own!
Taunt (v.) To tease or make fun of. The zookeeper had to reprimand some teenagers who were taunting the lion by poking sticks through the bars of his cage. Write a sentence of your own!
Jester (n.) Someone who always jokes or acts playfully Always the jester, Billy showed up for the field trip wearing his sister’s bunny slippers. Write a sentence of your own!
Obsolete (adj.) No longer in use Just as CDs made records a thing of the past, DVDs made videocassettes obsolete. Write a sentence of your own!
Exaggerate (v.) To make something seem larger, more important, or more valuable than it actually is. Tall tales usually exaggerate and attribute superhuman traits to the characters. Write a sentence of your own!
Tendency (n.) A likelihood of behaving a certain way A puppy has a tendency to chew on things. Write a sentence of your own!
Persistent (adj.) Not giving up Lasting a long time The persistent hikers finally overcame the last obstacle and reached the summit. Their ordeal left them with persistent aches and pains. Write a sentence of your own!
Extricate (v.) To set free from a difficult or embarrassing situation. The bear struggled to extricate itself from the net. Write a sentence of your own!
Frontier (n.) The farthest reaches of settlement, exploration or knowledge There are few geographic frontiers remaining on Earth but science has many new frontiers to explore. Write a sentence of your own!