Allocation of Rights Approach to GCRP/DCRP
What we have been asked From Working Group ToR Standards Whether there are international standards that could be adopted or referenced (e.g. IEC TR 61000-3-6) in anticipation of the implementation of EU Network Codes) … Allocation of rights The process used to allocate the limits described in G5/4-1 between different users in similar areas including whether ‘first-come, first-served’ is the appropriate way of allocating limits or whether there are alternative methods (e.g. equal rights as per IEC TR 61000-3-6) that can be justified economically
What we have Done Subjective review of IEC TR 61000-3-6 and comparison G54/1 and ETR122 LV and MV – concluded that application of equal rights was problematic HV & EHV – both first come first served and equal rights have pros and cons The view of the group is that the case has not been made for the application of equal rights to harmonics Open to the possibility at HV and EHV Less positive at LV and MV
Update to GCRP/DCRP Options Recommend ‘No Change’ or Recommend Further Work Limited appetite at LV/MV More appetite (and need?) at HV/EHV Worked example needed? Developers’ input needed Assessment of costs required