Overview Basics Recruitment Pitching Structure/Setup Materials Potential Challenges Questions
Basics The UN- Bodies, Councils, Committees, History and General Facts The Rules of Procedure/Debating Style Information- News, Online Sources, Books
Recruitment(students) Some subjects-Politics, History, Sociology etc. Specific Skillsets- Debaters, News broadcasters etc. Interest- Current Affairs, Politics, History etc.
Pitching What is MUN? Why do MUN?
What is MUN? “‘Model United Nations’ or MUN, is an extra-curricular activity in which students typically roleplay delegates to the United Nations and simulate UN committees. This activity takes place at MUN conferences, which is usually organized by a high school or college MUN club.” – Students represent countries, typically not their own, in a UN committee to debate a topic of international affairs Examples at LIMUN High School 2016: - The prevention of the acquisition of biological weapons by non-state actors (DISEC) The role of multinational Corporations in Sustainable Development (ECOSOC) The Plight of the Rohingya (UNHCR) Resolving the Situation in Sudan (UNSC)
Why do MUN? Improve public speaking, negotiating and presenting skills Enhance knowledge of international affairs & procedures Develop team-working, leadership and drafting skills Possibility to develop conference organisation and management skills Think and learn through a new perspective Meet people from around the world & build global friendships Visit new cities and countries
Structure/Setup Registration of students- using a club model of marking attendance Venue – Spaced, Seating usually in a circle Comfort and Interest-using this to guide topic selection Possible Public Speaking exercises- using topics in a hat and having students speak ex-tempore Timer- using either a mobile phone or google clock Topics List- Getting suggestions from students Placards- printing placards with country names and flags
Materials UNA-UK Website Best Delegate website LIMUN Website Rules of Procedure (might vary with conference) Topics- Conference Websites, UN Websites, the News
Potential Challenges Another Class? Avoid making this appear like a teacher leading a class, encourage participation Accountability and Ownership (Topic Selection, Student Leadership)- Seek to coordinate, but let students lead Conference Management (Ask Organisers, MUN websites, Delegation Prep)- Best Delegate and munplanet offer a lot of resources Disinterest (Outside the box, fictional debates etc)- Santa debate during Christmas? Horror characters during Halloween etc
Recap Gauge Interest and Recruit Lead off, then encourage ownership Materials exist, but you need to know to teach Think outside the box, promote the core competencies