The Renaissance Beyond Italy 11. 3 The Renaissance Beyond Italy
Spread of New Ideas Travelers and artists helped spread the Renaissance throughout Europe. Development of printing helped in the spread of ideas.
New Universities Students who studied at Italian universities took Renaissance ideas back to their home countries. New universities opened up in France, Germany, and the Netherlands, which helped spread the value of people throughout Europe. Noble women received education
Did women have a Renaissance?
Paper and printing Johann Gutenberg developed a printing press that used movable type. The first printed book was a Bible and it was printed in 1455. Wanted the bible to be translated into vernacular (common language)
What would life be like without books?
Would the internet exist if the printing press was never invented?
A northern scholar Humans look realistic with physical flaws instead of like Greek gods. Biblical scenes and classical myths were traditional subjects of Italian Renaissance art = CLASSICISM
Literature beyond italy Miguel de Cervantes - Don Quixote (written in Spain) Made fun of romantic tales in the Middle Ages.
Northern Renaissance Art William Shakespeare, considered the greatest writer in the English language. Shakespeare wrote more than 30 comedies, tragedies, and histories. Translations are the reason we all can appreciate these works of art!
The Northern Renaissance Combination of humanist and religious ideas is called Christian Humanism Secular= Non-Religious ideas Call for reforms because they believed the church was corrupt Desiderius Erasmus criticized the church in The Praise of Folly Perhaps it would be wise to pass over the theologians (religious leaders) in silence… That short-tempered and arrogant group is unpleasant to deal with. . . They will proclaim me a heretic. With this thunderbolt they terrify the people they don't like. Their opinion of themselves is so great that they behave as if they were already in heaven; they look down sympathetically on other men as so many worms….They are full of big words. . . .
How do you think the church would react to Erasmus?
Should books ever be banned?
The two ‘bergs…
The two ‘bergs…. Gutenberg Entrepreneur Made books easy to make and cheap to buy Wanted to promote teachings of the Catholic Church
The two ‘bergs…... Zuckerberg Entrepreneur Promote self expression and spread of information Wanted to impress the ladies
The two ‘bergs… Revolutionized the speed of the spread of an idea or a discovery Fun Fact: Leif Erikson “discovered” North America before Columbus. But, it is because of the Printing Press, more people heard about Columbus.
Censorship the suppression or ban of any parts of books, films, news, etc. that are considered offensive, politically unacceptable, or a threat to security.
Censorship in the US List of Young Adult Banned or Challenged Books
Internet Censorship
Why Censor? Profanity Vulgar Themes Racial/Offensive Slurs Unpopular Political or Religious Views Any Theme Judged Unsuitable for a Particular Age Group
Article According to the article, what is the purpose of censoring American history?
Should certain books be censored or at middle schools? Decide whether you think censorship is an appropriate action to take at the middle school level For homework, you need to identify 3 reasons that support your claim and 1 counter arguments that support the “other side’s” claim Tomorrow, you will participate in a structured debate. To participate, you will need to complete Task 2 above. If you do not, you will be taking notes, reading an article and complete a short writing prompt.
Who made Moveable type first? Europe or China? “In the 11th century movable type (one piece of type for each character) was invented. Movable type was never widely used in China because whole-block printing was less expensive, but when movable type reached Europe in the 15th century, it revolutionized the communication of ideas. Movable type was first created by Bi Sheng (990-1051), who used baked clay, which was very fragile. The Yuan-dynasty official Wang Zhen is credited with the introduction of wooden movable type, a more durable option, around 1297.(1) Cast-metal movable type began to be used in Korea in the early 13th century, and the first font is believed to have been cast there in the 1230s” (Asia for Educators). What does your textbook say??...or doesn’t say?